What does Sup Forums mean when they do this?

What does Sup Forums mean when they do this?

They mean that they are conservative but still like Rock is it that hard to fucking understand?

there's another image going around Sup Forums that says
>"Homophobia is wrong"
>"*listens to rap music"
which I think this is a reaction to

Since when have rock music and liberalism been two mutually inclusive things?

liberalism is wrong though, natural rights (tm) is a stupid fucking concept

Since when have homophobia and rap music been mutually inclusive things?

i think you mean leftism.


>anyone who isn't a liberal must be right wing

Im hispanic and i listen to a lot of black metal and i dont take their views seriously. I just enjoy the music.

>people don't have natural rights
>I'm not authoritarian

>natural rights aren't a spook
>i;m not authoritarian

lol pathetic weeaboo


into the trash

"i am on a anime site and hate anime" - you

hip hop is cancer

nothing wrong with that family

>certain sounds inherently reflect my political leanings

This is dumb

the original

Liberalism and being an american liberal are 2 different things

Anime is a spook user.