Death Grips - Eh MUSIC VIDEO

very cool

a lot better than the last one

the last one was a bit... eh


Wow that was really cool. I love that short drum break towards the end of the song

This is pretty good not cringe at all.

That was great. Whoever made this did a fantastic job.

I jerked it at the tiddies desu

Not bad.



Jesus CHRIST on a FUCK this is good

>It's a video that's been messed with effects episode

why is mc ride in her vagoo and stomach


The video is trending on Facebook. Not sure how I feel about this

they actually fucking did it

Does that say what I think it says?

Translated some of the moon in it
The symbol 死 in it means death
The グリップ flashed in it means grips

what could it mean

I hope you're noided,user

they ripped off radiohead lol

I thought I noticed that

Anyway, I like this video a lot but I feel the need to talk about the video for Good Ideas

It's of a Doc Marten, a raw, brutal type of shoe. It's roughed up and worn out. It's a blue collar, workman, punk rock type of shoe. The shoe sings along with the lyrics, therefore the shoe is MC Ride, right? Makes sense, he has the same attributes as I listed above. So since the song is about him giving his fans good ideas, it's essentially about people copying him and destroying his essence. So the shoe is torn up and manipulated and turned into a puppet, much like how MC Ride feels his persona and music is taken by the fans.

I need more time to process this one for Eh, but it looks very nice.

Could be, but you also could just be reading into it a bit much

i think they were just fuckin around, mate

it's beautiful

how did they achieve that effect?

I wouldn't worry. Mostly just their fans spreading it to their friends and liking it. Death Grips' most popular peak is still Jenny Death

what if we put them together
death + grips =
death grips
which also happens to be the band's name