
What's your favourite ambient album?

Other urls found in this thread:

That one, and Gas-Pop

Favorite dark ambient at least

I have a hard time letting go of Helios. This album in particular.

nice ass


that's sexist

cluster & eno
slowdive - Pygmalion


Is it?

dis one


or this

What if I like both?

still yes because sexism applies to both sexes


some of my fav ambient albums

This is the only ambient album that's worth actively listening to (as opposed to just playing in the background).

Gotta be Chill Out by the KLF

Is Space Is Only Noise really ambient, though?

this changed how I viewed ambient

in some ways yes. if you don't think so, replace it with superstorms self titled album

Wounded Galaxies Tap at the Window blew me away when I first heard it.

saw2 is just saw 85-92 no drums edition, not ambient

>memebert rich
get out

tim hecker is the furthest thing from ambient senpai

dub techno and field recordings ain't ambient either

also what OP posted

No it isn't, it's strictly background music. That's why the tracks repeat and never change.

It would be more on the drone side of things, then?

good stuff. thanks

>tim hecker
>not ambient
nigga what

listen to more and better ambient

don't post no fucking chimps




I concur. This and Biosphere's Substrata.

Was gonna post this

All of Eno's stuff too.

I am disappointed in you


Can someone help me find a certain Ambient group?
If I remember correctly they are an ambient group but all I can remember is what one of their album covers looks like.
It has a person with a hood over their head standing on a box or something.
The album was considerably darker than their last.
Anyone have any idea of what I'm talking about?

Why would you want to? I love Eingya

What defines ambient and what's a good example of an ambient album? I ask because I'm new to the genre and thought all of those were ambient

It sucks that no one talk about it around here, probably one of the most atmospheric releases in the genre

the guy killed himself too

great taste

solar fields anyone?


All of these are absolutely fantastic.
I'm assuming "he's a noise artist"
That's pretty fucked up. What do you like about this? Completely unfamiliar to me.

It's so hard for me to pick just one album. Also I'm surprised to see that Kyle Bobby Dunn hasn't been listed.
Out of all of the small artists I know, I'd have to Haunter's Pershing Road. Local drone artist that I hold very highly. He's playing his last show tonight before moving out to Thailand.

Is there a more pretentious genre? You don't actually 'enjoy' the 'music'. You enjoy telling other people that you 'like' ambient music. End yourself.

i would call it more noise but noice

I actually enjoy the music. You're even more of a fucking prick for assuming the motives of other people's listening habits of other people. Way to go!

surprised you were able to learn how to turn a computer on given your godawful intuition

bumpity bump bump for the drones

Yes. That and Carbon Based Lifeforms - TwentyThree are some of my favorite ambient albums. IDK if the rest of them are considered ambient though

Only retards listen to intentionally boring music

It's not boring if you actually listen to it. All music is boring if you don't pay attention and don't care.

i think this is bait... but i'm not sure. this worries me.

>>memebert rich

shit taste alert. fuck off you pedantic piece of shit.

Eh, it's better not to give them the benefit of the doubt that they aren't trolling.

Whatever happened to that guy making a new ambient flowchart a few weeks ago?

That guy, here. I was discussing the idea with the rest of the dudes in the bandcamp threads and they camp to the conclusion that it'd be best to separate each subgenre into a separate flowchart. They also recommended a (warm/cold x organic/synthetic) chart and that's also a good idea. I have roughly 30 artists that I'd be putting on the chart.
I haven't gotten around to it from there.

I expected nothing less

I tried to make something with four axes and it was complete shit. I'll give it another go and see what I can do. I have some other musical projects I've been working on, as well.

Ah actual pure ambient album.

>be me
>listening to ambient music and wikipedia surfing various artists
>realize that Eingya was released when Keith Kenniff/Helios was a sophomore or junior in college
>I'm at that point in my life and my releases have had success on only a minuscule scale
>tfw never gonna be famous

>We’ve mistaken “ambient music” for something it’s not. Thinking that the term refers simply to music or sound of a largely atmospheric bent, we’ve forgotten how ambient is an adjective meaning “[l]ying round, surrounding, encircling, encompassing, environing” (OED, A.3.), and how it’s etymologically derived from the Latin ambire, meaning to go about or around the sides of a certain object. As such, we’ve lost touch with how ambient is actually a form of music distinguished by its indirectness, by its unwillingness to confront its subject matter head-on. We assume that the genre is planetary in scope, “the musical version of a geological survey,” when on the contrary, it’s not so much a direct representation of the immensity of the Earth or the cosmos as a refusal to represent anything directly.