ITT: Shrinkers

ITT: Shrinkers

As in, the opposite of growers. Instead of being an album that you may not like much on first listen that you start to realize the greatness of on repeat listens, albums that you think are 10/10 GOAT masterpieces at first but on repeat listens realize aren't that great.

Pic related.


Exact opposite for me.

anything by Alcest




Literally every album that you like on your first listen is going to do that. We humans have something called dopamine.

Its funny you posted guys in a river and called it shrinkers lmao



Listened to Spiderland two years ago. I actually love it even more now that I've listened to the things that have influenced it, and what it has influenced.


kill yourself

I thought it was the best thing he'd ever made, but then I listened to Rifts a few times between the next time I listened to G.O.D. and realize it wasn't that good.

dont know if its just me but



it isn't a shrinker you're supposed to realise it's pretty shit on your first listen

lol what the fuck


I really like this when it first came out, but honestly it's fucking terrible.

lonerism too

kinda shrinker tbqh

everything by radiohead, honestly


after getting more and more into emo, this just gets bland as fuck
i mean it's still a great album but god it just isn't the same as it used to

forgot pic, god i am stupid

Nah, even Slint imitators don't sound like Slint. There's quite a bit to get from this album, and it's unlike the typical good album.

Pretty much.

At first it's a Shrinker as you're new to music because your tastes change from something catchy getting your attention to something that sounds externally weird and different getting your attention. But then later into the music listening experience it becomes a grower again once you actually care for subtleties in songwriting.

GOD has by far the best songwriting of anything 0PN has ever done with an attention to pitch riff and rhythms never before while it doesn't just focus on one main thing (ex. samples in Replica or synths in R + 7).

I can see it. Enjoying this album after the initial wow factor's dependent on if you like the particular approach it takes towards melody (which is one not many ppl like.)

Kendrick's changing flows always makes this an interesting listen though.

What? But not a lot of other emo even sounds like it. It has a certain bit of mathy feel to it that if you want matched/surpassed you usually got go into screamo territory.

Bought it a month ago and it slowly became a 7/10

ITT: people who initially just bought into the hype of an album and ultimately have no clue what really makes that album good

Definitely correct answers. Especially Slint.

A lot of metal shrinks on me tbqh

Antlers I think is kind of an entire band that shrank on me. Like, all of their albums are kind of lacking in some way, but each of them tricked me into thinking they were better than they were.
Then Familiars came out and I was like, "Oh! These guys actually just aren't any good!"


Still think the album is not bad at all, just not as great as I thought at first.
But maybe that's just because it felt less aggressive.

This was my favorite Experience but their first and third albums are way better.

literally how? there's so many details that you just slowly pick up on with each subsequent listen

I disagree completely, i found it an underwhelming listen the first few times, bar a couple of songs. I think it's an album whose beauty is revealed on multiple listens when you pick up on its subtleties and nuances

Lacking is exactly the right word to describe what is wrong with the antlers and also a lot of other bands (Alex G comes to mind right away). I've been trying to describe it for a long time but couldn't quite figure out how to say it, so thanks.

Not that guy, but I think the album becomes more boring on each listen. Just not as fun or exciting. I found that I listened to it a bunch after I first heard it, but now I only listen to it only once every 2 years or so, which is less frequent than other albums I was equally obsessed with at first.

Agree with all these
Personally I'd say all of Death Grips' music
I disagree with these, but I respect you guys.

Disagree. It hasn't lost its luster with me.

Queen is dead
any kanye west album
any anco album besides sung tongs
any kendrick lamar album
any radiohead album

Wow, this thread man. It's almost as if music is subjective and people enjoy it in different ways.

You're probably right about death grips, I think I mostly enjoy their music by being overwelmed with different sounds on every new release.

Posting in an EPIC bait thread XDDDD

please delete your worthless trip
gtfo, my taste is objective
what the fuck?
again, what the fuck?
yeah I see this. As much as Ilike AmCo Feels is their only release that I generally want to sit through start to finish
ehhhh theres a lot of small subtle changes but i respect this one
its a pretty bad album
disagree but respect
nice taste
this album was always pretty shit

delete your post loser

This reply itself is probably bait but I'm gonna bite anyway
Soft Bulletin for SURE

Hospice is an incredible album.

the production ruins it. I've only listened to it once or twice and i could feel the spit dripping from the singers voice onto the microphone, disgust
no thanks senpai but why don't you contribute to the thread instead of being a butthurt child ok? :-)
>Soft Bulletin for SURE
my man


So sad practically all reviews are made on first impressions.
This is a 7, not a 9. Still plenty good tho.


Agree with TSB for sure. And though it pains me to say it about one of my major adolescence albums, pic related.

the moon & antarctica


Plebs, Wrong is a great punk record


i like this album the same as i did 5 years ago, if not more. good pop songs are good pop songs.

I only liked transilvanian hunger and i en hall med on it, the rest it pretty boring

Yes definitely. Incredibly overrated record. Gets grating really really fast.

For his discography, this and Figure 8 are the most obvious 'shrinkers'. For me, From a Basement on the Hill gets better the more I listen, as does Roman Candle.

definitely, loved this shit when I was 11-12 but i haven't listened to it in around 4 years

Does anyone have the chart with albums that influenced Spiderland? Please I need it.

NOTM still feels solid to me, but I'm still waiting on a really timeless record

I wouldn't call any of the essential Sup Forumscore shrinkers

Any album that I put on repeat over and over again becomes a shrinker. Used to love Meliora, but now can't sit through it. I usually have to wait a year or two to pick up the album again and enjoy it.

Tried to limit it to just a few albums, cuz there are way too many of these.

Yeah this definitely

Gotta say, I disagree with this one. Although this album hit me so hard on the first listen that second and third listens can't really compare.

disagree but a lot of people seem to think this about kendricks stuff. I've listened to this album like 6 times and still love it

i disagree. i really dug it on my first listen, and maybe would have rated it a 8-9/10 but as i listened to it more and more my rating just went up until it was a 10 for me.

these are all pretty accurate