Rename a Band Using Synonyms

Bowmen of Bread


Jumbo Decese
also Archers of Loaf are so good

Jim Gamble plus The Deformities

The Sandy Twinks

transceiver blowjob

Magnetic Warlock

Life Kicks

Lieutenant Meatlove & The Sorcery Assembly

Diamond Jelly
Mary in Shackles


The Crushing Tomatoes

Tyler, The Sire
Earl Pullover

Giant Darkness

>Planks of North North Dakota
>Flappy Win for the Sadboys

>Boards of Canada
>A Winged Victory for the Sullen


Saturn Vroom
The Simmering Mouths
Beast Congregation
Calamity Clutches

What? I thought we were supposed to guess them.

We're supposed to laugh to ourselves about them and make no conversation about it.

heh heh

Deep Sleep
Humble Rodent
Group Of Fauna

beast pack
creature congregation
critter co-op

Pondering Lads Unity Regional Two Hundred Eighty Two

7ph Lactose Inn

Ass that is

anger at the apparatus
the wolves
bella & sebby
little masks
celebrities of the cap
guyfred guy's world group
prophet castles
led by utterances
inexpensive ruse


Good Luck You! Dark Monarch

enslavement crop

Broncos Develop Into Public Legends

Ugly Ducklings

The Planet is a Magnificent Location & I No Longer Fear the Cessation of Life

...what's this one?


The Beatles

how are birds synonyms of The Beatles

Indifferent Dairy Hostel

Appreciative Deceased