Just got one of the 1000 original presses of Deathcrush EP by Mayhem, anybody else collect rare albums or old black metal albums?
Collection/Black Metal
Fucking how
by paying some jew on discogs $1000 for it
>doesn't post a pic
OP is full of shit to boot
I'm away at the moment, apperenly my guitarist found it at some sketchy shop in Springfield who didn't know what he had.
Is it the one where they messed up the print so Euronymous had to write his name by hand on all the albums?
Is it the pink one?
Got a second pressing of Mastodon - Slick Leg, it's so good
Also I have a white pressing of a Devin Townsend record, the one with Deadhead on it
Probably the rarest thing I have is one of the 200 copies of Judas Iscariot's Heaven in Flames. It's a run of 200
forgot pic
I have some of the rarer pressings of Blood Music's stuff. Rare colors of Ensiferum S/T and Iron, as well as GITD pressings of Perturbator's Dangerous Days and GOST's Behemoth
other than that nothing else too rare