You know...she really has a point...huh

You know...she really has a point...huh...

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Really makes you think

More like St. Shillcent
But seriously, I saw it. It was a bit naff. I can understand why people would quite like it and I can understand why people would absolutely hate it though. It's just the extremes of both sides that are bad.

wtf i hate gerbils now


Cretinous doritowoman.

I'd still kate her bush though.

What the fuck
People didn't like it becuase it was shit and the actors were unfunny. Also if anything the movie was sexist towards men as the only male characters are idiots and/or villians

I cannot comprehend why they would remake some cheesy 80's blockbuster with all female cast to further some agenda and not make the motion picture that humanity so desperately needs which is the remake of citizen kane with gerbils.

>the bad press about it so blatantly sexist

how about the fact that the trailer looked like complete dogshit regardless of the gender and/or sex of the actors

>sexist towards men



>Acting like they remade Citizen Kane with all gerbil cast.
Implying that wouldn't be a 10/10 GOAT masterpiece
I would rather see that than the new Ghostbusters

As if women in movies haven't been limited to flat, stereotypical characters for most of the history of film.
You're missing the point there friend

Shitty cash grab of a movie with a female gimmick. Over uses the flashiness of the ghostbusters universe and doesn't use it sparingly like the original. The humor isn't witty like the first one, it's like the one trashy relative that shows up to the bbq and has 2 budweisers and starts getting really loud and obnoxious. She only likes it because she scissors another woman, so yes, the new ghostbusters is gay.

found the mra virgins

>using sexism to deflect criticism

when will this meme end

>2014: "I still remember going to the [music store] and buying The Sensual World when I was sixteen. And the cover, there’s a rose in front of her mouth that has bloomed, she’s got big wide eyes. And I remember, you know, putting it in the shitty car stereo on the way home, and you know, my life was forever changed.”


>2007: "And I also— this may sound really silly— but I just discovered Kate Bush, probably six months ago, and I think she’s so great. I know I’m very late to the party here [laughs], I know this is old news, but I got a Kate Bush record, and I forget— I think “The Dreaming” is on it, though I’m spacing on the name of the record.”


maybe you should just stop watching shitty movies

Alt-right is leddit cancer

maybe get a female director that would be more in tune with what you're saying

I'm glad I never enjoyed watching movies, what a shit show that industry is.

Nah man, reddit is one big left circlejerk

This isn't music related, this is low level b8.

Is this real, though?

directed by paul fieg nice try feminism not this time

A disproportionate number of these were made in the last 10 years, also compare that list to the number of films with a "great male lead." Male-dominated films outnumber female-dominated films by scores and if you don't know that you have no knowledge of movies or the film industry.


Maybe 5 years ago. These days reddit hates John Stewart and loves Bill O'Reilly.

Who gives a fuck, it's just a movie.

Alt-rightists are leftists in disguise
>guise faggots niggers and kikes are alright, muh sjws who ruin muh vidya are the only problem in the world

>they only way he would know this is if he recently browsed Reddit

>iamsanaivictoria: I’d like to say thank you to @st_vincent (Annie Clark) for giving me the opportunity to be in her movie. You are the sweetest and prettiest director ever!!

so, are you seeing Annie's movie, Sup Forums?

I've been all over the internet. I tend to dislike reddit, but I've been there.

do u think leftys secretly liked to get fucked hard by righters ???

Stop this meme

yeah psycho and persona were made 10 years ago bro. maybe if more women directed there would be more woman cast as most art is autobiographical or are ur implications that women are actresses wanting a director/writer/producer make a whole work centered around them? but mostly stop complaining about shit and do something direct a movie anything i dont think there ever was a situation where a woman submitted the next holy mountain and got rejected on the basis of her vagina

probably not

I love Republican dick

>sexist towards men
This is like feeling bad for the school bully and making him the victim.
Same with this "reverse racism" shit lol

I wouldn't expect you to understand that sexism is very real on account of being a man and all but whatever

Identity Politics is ruining everything, including Identity Politics.

would you guys still talk about this movie if it wasn't politically changed?

Women can't be sexist

if Alien was made today, it would be called "sjw bullshit" by you queers

haha what a moron :D

still would be shit. 80's nostalgia can get to fuck

No. You clearly have no grasp of the issue at hand if you think that's the case.

Reverse racism doesn't exist. Racism is racism

why would they even make a movie about aliens these days

wtf i hate ghosts now

>tfw you probably would have never noticed all this "sjw" stuff it it wasn't for Sup Forums

wew lad nice excuse. not saying sexism isn't real but i guess ur not a big fan of those against all odds sports movies . who needs undeniable mastery of your craft when you have a scapegoat! maybe it's not sexism maybe you just cant handle the heat in the kitchen

what in the hell are you even trying to say?

Really makes you think

absolute shit thread. everyone who's posted should kill themselves, me included. goodbye.

do you not live in the world or something?

>sexist towards men
kill yourself