Name a better album from the 90's

name a better album from the 90's
i'll wait

every other album

and almost any other album from the 90s





This dudes forgetting OK Computer came out in 97, give it a rest. oasis are hacks



Alice In Chains


Pretty much any other album. I mean, it's not even Oasis's best album from the 90s.

I'm predicting you are American and weren't born when this came out.
Oasis were embarrassing. They were almost a joke to music fans. It was like every rock cliche from the middle of the road condensed into one act. Everything was so predictable it was almost like it was some huge premeditated joke. Noel the Master Troll


the whiney vocals and meaningless pseudo-deep lyrics have always pissed me off

(and there are too many cunts in manchester who still dress like a gallagher)

Heres 100


>electronic music chart of the 90s
>no Endtroducing.....


Its dance music and downtempo, not memehop

tips fedora

That was relevant how?


Even all the other meme albums from the 90's are better than this

thats why its genius


I like Oasis quite a bit. If they'd died in a plane crash following this album, they'd have been legends.


oh my actual non existent god.
That album in my mind sits beside Dark side of the Moon, Homogenic, Blackstar, Timeless
Shadow stole hiphop back from the "money and status" rappers and gave it back to music.

Still neither dance music or downtempo

Oasis weren't even the best Britpop band

Im pretty sure the bpms on that album would be in the down tempo area.


better version of both of these albums

>Oasis - pleb poor lads from northern England who have no problems so have to shit on each other like retarded children.
>Manics - patrician working class intellectual heroes from Wales, who are aware of and fight class differences and have survived a big tragedy in their band history.


OK Computer stinks on ice

My man. Still love this album.
>tfw we will never see an official vinyl re-issue

But I can never tell wtf they're saying.

good taste

best pop album desu


not even top 100 hip hop album in the 90s


blowout comb

Definitely maybe It's way nuch better tho

Old Boots, New Dirt

Bone Machine, Mule Variations, Enter the Wu-Tang, Amplifier Worship, 1930, Divine Music from a Jail, Operation: Doomsday, A Boy, Post, Homogenic.

>kool keith
definition of contrarian pleb


I was embedded in Dog Man Star by Suede when that came out. Never really listened to the whole album.


OP said "better," not "best"



PJ Harvey really doesn't get enough love around here

american detected

I think PJ Harvey gets plenty of love. If she's ever mentioned it's positive.
