I went in expecting it to be "Godspeed's weakest effort" but it's actually really great, I wouldn't say this is even their worst LP.
This album is great
>it's actually really great, I wouldn't say this is even their worst LP.
True, it's really great but it's still pretty low considering how amazing other albums are. The objective ranking goes like this:
Lift Yr Skinny Fists
Slow Riot
F# A#
I don't know about that, I think F#A# or LYSF could be argued as their strongest, but Yanqui after their first three, better than Allalujah and Asunder? Allelujah the weakest?
not as good as grimes
I liked the first half a lot, but it lost steam in the second half.
Slow Riot
>but Yanqui after their first three, better than Allalujah and Asunder? Allelujah the weakest?
Yanqui and Asunder are close so you could possibly switch them but yea, allelujah is the weakest. At last for me.
hello Richard, how's the band?
I agree! I liked it quite a bit. They have a great solid discography.
lift yr skinny fists
slow riot
TBQH pham
The only way Yanqui could be ranked at the bottom is if you're a mindless pitchfork drone.
In my opinion it goes like this,
Yanqui U.X.O
Slow Riot
Why do you have Yanqui on the bottom of the list?
faggots don't know motherfucker=redeemer (part 1) is their best piece.
Slow Riot
Yanqui is a fantastic album and one of the best Godspeed records. It is certainly their most depressing, engaging. epic, massive, and climactic records yet.
I've only heard it once to be fair, but it just sounded a bit like Godspeed by numbers, although less emotionally compelling than any of their other records.
>depressing, engaging. epic, massive, and climactic
You could say this about literally all their albums
i don't enjoy it as much as their other records, it's stiff competition considering all their output has been great.
I think Part 1 and 2 should be considered together, because both songs are incredible.
I thought it is their most emotionally engaging and connecting albums yet, it takes multiple listens as do all Godspeed records.
Yes but I feel like those qualities are most apparent and are mastered on Yanqui.
How come?
This a million times, when those stings and drums hit it sends chills down my spine.
Yanqui is seriously their best work
Part 2 perfectly concludes both pieces and the entire album.
>How come?
dunno, i just prefer the some of their other albums more, it's more of a straight instrumental rock record than what i usually expect from godspeed, like that it doesn't have the ambient interludes or field recordings which i adore about the other albums.
that dance beat crescendoing gives me an erection
It's weird how polarizing Yanqui is, people either insist it's their best or among their worst.
It's one of those albums that it either clicks for you, or it doesn't.
>Why do you have Yanqui on the bottom of the list?
It's really weird. 09-15-00 Part one and Rockets Fall on Rocket Falls are such great tracks
I feel the same way.
All of them are great tracks
Yea but this isn't comunism user. Some tracks are better then others
F# A#
This is correct.
Asunder is actually my favorite GY!BE album, and is one my top 10 favorite albums ever. In my opinion the noise and distortion really fills out their sound and makes it even more massive, and gives the album a grandiosity that isn't on anything else they've made. Thinking of the album as one song really makes it better as well.
For me, Godspeed's albums rank like this (this is going to be very controversial FYI)
Slow Riot
Yanqui U.X.O.
lol wtf
asunder should have been released as a single
Agreed. If they wanted to release it on an album, they should have made it one song and had another song of the same length to accompany it on said album. (sort of like Allelujah, I guess)
LYSFLATH (10/10)
F#A# (9/10)
Slow Riot (8,5/10)
Yanqui=Allelujah=Asunder (7/10)
that's just contrarianism, buddy