Disappointing 2016 releases

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Hahahahah, FUCK no.


Another one. Definitely not a -bad- record, but I expect so much more from DJ Andy Scott.

Pretty much everything I was anticipating besides Swans.
Haven't gotten around to Radiohead yet

AMSP is actually pretty good imo if you go into it with no expectations.


Definitely not Hecker's best but I wouldn't say dissapointing



OP here

Conversely, what exceeded your expectations?



This album is the very definition of disappointment. Just everything about it screams disappointment to me. Fuck, even Avey looks deeply disappointed on the cover.

Okay, bring the "Painting With is the best thing Animal Collective have ever done" posts now.


Thanks pal :)

Oh yeah, this. Sounds so dated.

Lol have fun with your ban.

yea, I was definitely expecting a lot more from Tim after being in love with most of his previous work

I was going to say "At least Chz is worse" but then I realized Painting With is worse.

So yeah.

It's that bad, except for two songs.

I'm worried the new 2814 is going to be a disappointment.

Other than Swans this hasn't been a very good year. I'm sure there are some obscure albums I'll find later but no hyped releases have been great.

Everything after the first song sounded like the same forgettable monotony.

Disappointed is a strong word 'cause it had some good points but it wasn't as amazing as NoTM, TMS, or even NLDW.

Radiohead have been the only big band that delivered. Swans was tired and dry.

It's like they didn't even care Anthony came back.

Yeah fuck yourself it's amazing

Honestly the people who proclaim this as their best or whatever are trying too hard. If you personally feel that way then fine, but calling the people who were disappointed by it "p4k drones" is lol. I was so happy when the album was over.

Roughly 20 songs on the album. I liked 4 of them and that's being generous.

[spoiler]Ultralight Beam[/spoiler]
[spoiler]30 Hours[/spoiler]
[spoiler]No More Parties In LA[/spoiler]

What am I missing? The screamed vocals were so random and sporadic; it felt like he threw them in there 'cause he didn't know what notes to hit. And they were so low in the mix.

The riffs could have been borrowed from almost any band on Rise records. None of the tracks flowed together as they did on the self-titled LP, and the only ones I remembered were the first one and Second Guesses, because Second Guesses was the only one that sounded like the good riffs they wrote 10 years ago.

This was barely better than their second album with Cove and I'd pick the worst song from Translating The Name over the best one from Chasing the Shadow.

pretty much every Sup Forums core release desu, especially Swans because they hadn't disappointed previously, unlike Radiohead and AnCo

fuck me i liked it

why would OP be ban?


that's the spirit

It's grown on me a little actually. Lying in the Grass and Vertical are great songs. I just feel like it's not the kind of style for them, like straightforward pop isn't their strong suite (And no, MPP is not straightforward pop). It kind of scares me how forgettable most of this album is, and how downright bad FloriDada is.

I agree

It's too middle of the road imo. I get what they were going for with that sort of "uncanny" sound design, but with stuff like PC music really pushing pop to it's limits it almost felt to watered down. So they either should have made it less poppy or pushed it to a maximalist extreme.


i can't think of anything that wasn't disappointing desu. that's not to say i haven't enjoyed anything from this year (i have) but the releases that i've liked had no expectations or hopes attached to them.

serious reply although it almost made for an easy joke
Nothing - Eaten By Worms
Published on March 29, 2016
Everything Everything - Regret
Published on May 6, 2015

I kinda thought the same thing when this came out, But it really grew on me, the second half specially. And now its seriously my AOTYSF

>trying to preempt people calling out your post as a meme by calling them a meme
it's only a notch below Strawberry Jam when it comes to their later pop albums fampai


You are a meme

Fucking this. Future perfect was one of my favorite albums. RIP pre-Trump Autolux

fuck you follow up the two best jazz albums of this decade with this?

Not really because I was already expecting a piece of shit

it's the best thing they did since Feels, it has many of the best melodies of their career, you're trying too hard

This was actually the first album of his that I really loved.

i agree with these, although i still kinda like them a bit


the melodies are weak as fuck and lol at "trying too hard" - if anything that's you cause an overwhelming amount of ppl thought pw was shit

This. I wanted it to be good but it just wasn't. I love AnCo so much and listen to them all the time but I don't think I've listened to this since the week after it was released. Its just so forgettable.

bad taste desu

Vektroid's "Big Danger"
I liked her old releases (Starcalc, Homeā„¢, Neo Cali, VIRTUAL INFORMATION DESK) but I don't quite get this one, I thought I was getting soundscapes in her usual style or something but what I seemed to have gotten are random bits of commercials/monologues and mechanical sounds.

Maybe it's an accquired taste?



The new Xiu Xiu album.




Bait shit posting general? Bait shit posting general.

>death grips fan

A majority of the albums that have been posted are quite mediocre though...

>dj andy scott

it's still good but yeah, a huge step down compared to the last two



Just gonna bash some facts out for you lads in case you're not straight
>Frankie Sinatra is a good song, and it's fun
>Wildflower is actually AOTY by a mile
>It's just slightly worse than SILY
>the features MAKE the album, and the Wozard of Iz is enriched by DB's appearance, fracturing the flow of the song and introducing other samples other than the Tommy James one
>the second half and first half are both as good as each other
>the reason plebs dislike the album is because it doesn't have so many linear, dance-oriented songs and actually requires even the smallest amount of patience to let Wildflower sink in

Massively disappointing

nah it's a bland, over-compressed mess that is totally lacking in dynamic

wew lad at you thinking it "takes patience" like it's some difficult album lol

you just proved why it's not good. all the mental gymnastics you need to do to Get it. isn't necessary for anyone to enjoy an album. mind you this isn't avant garde music like luc ferrari. it's not good m8

it's not difficult, but it might have certain aspects sonically you may have overlooked

the fact that you think it's lacking in dynamic confirms you're talking absolute shite anyway

It absolutely is but :ok_hand: if that's what u want to believe

who the fuck's doing mental gymnastics? all I'm doing is confirming what a lot of people already know.

it IS good m8

Its probably down to that fucking wanker Boots lol what a cunt



yes 2bh

>giving a shit about what contrarian pseudo intellectuals think
Just enjoy it if you like it. This is anonymous and this board is toxic as fuck. People are just looking for arguments and for people like you to respond to their bait.

I don't mind that they've started experimenting with a more electronic component, I just wish they'd gotten better at it first.

I legitimately thought it was terrible but if it makes you feel more secure thinking that everyone who has different taste than you is a pseudo-intellectual or baiting then go on ahead lol

>this board is toxic as fuck
the sad thing is, it used to not be AS toxic, then the fantano pitchfork festival backpacker tweens came



What's terrible about it?
>muh overcompression
>muh not enough dancey tracks
>muh lack of coherency

and the Avalanches aren't pitchfork, Fantano-core?

agreed and theres more

I just looked them up
>pitchfork, Fantano-core

this isn't an argument

whatever, if you're just going to meme on my complaints then what's the point? it just was a slog to get through - I didn't find any of it to be interesting at all. sounded like easy-listening that you'd hear in a commercial for some resort or something and no, I didn't think it was varied enough. a lot of the tracks follow the same pattern of playing the main verse or hook in the background through some filters, then everything comes in clean sounding, repeats a few times, then back to the background, repeat again...

Just as I kinda started to appreciate Coffins of Io for what it is (in spite of hating the synth heavy sound) they go full Blade Runner on me

>I didn't think it was varied enough
it's quite literally all over the place and I don't understand the complaint about variety, I understand about the filters however it doesn't blight the record in my opinion though I see what you mean.

Most of them.

99% of music released none of us would have missed never having heard of in the first place.

it just sounded homogenous to my ears. perhaps it was the production methods. people complain about the features but I did think they brought some variety, for better or worse.

but if you like it then godspeed I'm not gonna say you're wrong for enjoying it (well I did earlier, but I admit that I WAS memeing then)

This is their best
This is his worst
It was okay, but nothing compared to his other albums.
This was the first I'd heard by him and I thought it was pretty good.
Maybe just a bit. I still REALLY liked it, but it wasn't Since I Left You
So much this
I don't think I can agree with this. I thought it was better than To Be Kind, but it wasn't The Seer.
I just heard it last night and I'm definitely disappointed. Re-Set was okay though.
This was fantastic and exceeded my expectations actually.

No Sup Forums or even sub-Sup Forums core artists brought it this year


I actually strongly dislike VSnares but I didn't think this was all that bad because it lacked the extremely wanky drums

Not better than Virgins but still a solid release.

Yes, but only because the lyrics weren't good and he left shittier versions of songs on the definitive version. Kinda wish he left Only One on there, it's like an answer to 808's and Heartbreak to say that he's come to terms with his mother's death and is now enjoying the blessing of having a family.

Great, but not groundbreaking like a lot of their other albums.

I don't mind it. They can't keep trying to create Strawberry Jam, or else we get something like CHz every time they release. I liked this because it at least was a new direction and a stripped down version of their sound that sounded playful and child-like like a lot of their stuff.

Agreed, really underwhelming and forgettable, but still good.

This shit right here. This is painfully underrated. Easily the best shoegaze record of the last 5 years.

All of them really