What albums do you listen to when you're depressed?

I blast this shit into my ears

Other urls found in this thread:


My music library.

Tears me to bits


For real though this. Whatever I feel like.

>blasting music into your ears
Have fun with early deafness.

Its at a constant so this

>turns volume down
but its not that loud user
just loud enough to not let my brain think

You will actually go deaf early. Your loss though. It's possible to have music at a moderate level that's not damaging to your ears.


Steely Dan.

Lots and lots of motherfucking Steely Dan.

This is actually a good depressing album. Beats are amazing on it.
Still amazes me how amazing their recordings are.


I'm not trying to be rude. I want to look after my hearing for as long as possible. I can't imagine a world without music. Or sound.

Also this

I usually put on something from POLYSICS, the energy those guys have never fails to make me smile.

Sometimes it'll be the song Sunday Morning on repeat, christ that's a depressing song.

I listen to the same music I like.

Using art for therapy is a perversion.

My fuckn nigga, what's your favorite song from them?

For my money: youtube.com/watch?v=qexi76q63NU

Love this fucking song.

this album is therapy. I get like really really angry when I'm depressed

For a lot of people making art that is the therapy they choose for their emotions, not a single fantastic thing on this planet to date has been made by somebody at peace with themselves.

It might happen in the future, but it hasn't happened yet.

Agreed. Pumped as fuck for RTJ3.

Is RTJ3 a known quantity yet, as in is it going to be another iteration on what they've done or are they going in a new direction?

Not fussed wither way if they keep pumping shit as good as lie cheat steal.

I know this sounds really stupid, but for some reason I do it every time.

So whenever I'm feeling depressed, I listen to Hotel California, just the song though.

And it doesn't even make me feel any better, in fact it makes me feel worse, because to me the song is associated with loneliness because of something that happened to me in real life and the song was played during that event.

You've never made art.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

You're sick.

citation need
you pretentious cockbag

anything dean blunt

I feel like this album makes me feel more depressed, really, but I still like it for those situations

it didn't come off as rude at all..


I listen to my tinnitus


As cheesy as it sounds, it seems like the music... understands.


thanks user it's beautiful

came here to post this. I feel like he understand my pain, but his sad songs sometimes make me feel worse if I'm too depressed


Seen this album posted many times here. Is it good?

does anyone else consider music like, their closest friend??

call me 15 idc it's a good album

holy fucking shit dude

you idiot
not everyone here necessarily listens to music as medicine when they're depressed. It's just that other things become appealing in different moods. (I don't like the word appealing here but i can't think of anything better)

What happened?



Oh, good, a "doctor's" in the house.


you're 15, and it's a shit album

Mostly James Ferraro's New Age and drone stuff. I wish I knew more about New Age; it's not a genre with any obvious "classics" to check out.

I find this rather calming and it always takes me out of a depressed mood.

There's only one correct answer

help me


hey man you don't need to be a dick about it. you just seemed very close minded about thread, so i offered my thoughts based on my own experiences. I maybe shouldn't have used 'you idiot'