/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread

Fellow Pitchfork patricians, it is once again the time for our nightly countdown for Pitchfork's new reviews to be updated on the site at 1am eastern time.

Best New Music?
Best New Reissue?
8.0+ with no BNM?
A shitty set of 7's and below?
Weird Al’s eternal BNM incoming hypetrain!
Noctourniquetcourtsney Barnett Review?
Titus Andronicus being robbed once again?
Dead Sara finally getting an 8.3 BNM?
Ian FUCKIN' Cohen?
Lindsay "qt feminist" Zoladz? [retired patrician, memory lives on forever]
Jayson "8.7" Greene?
Larry "retired BNM godfather" Fitzmaurice?
Craig "Meme Rap" Jenkins? [taking the Big Apple’s publications by storm]
Brandon “Meme Metal” Stosuy? [retired, metal albums still won't get BNM, everyone still won't care]
qt Kim "retired Meal Goddess now at Noisey" Kelly?
Grayson "Grizzly" Currin?
Brian "Backup" Howe?
Mark "the elder statesman" Richardson?
Meaghan “retired trap queen" Garvey?
Andy "secretly alpha" Beta?
Zoe "¡DALE!" Camp? [retired, will probably still get asked to show feet]
Philip "Electronic Wizard” Sherburne?
Stephen "M." Deusner?
Laura "Sun Kil Buffoon" Snapes?

Will someone dethrone Radiohead/Chance the Rapper’s 9.1 for AOTY?

OFFICIAL and accurate 2016 BNM Tally: 31
Nights since last BNM: 4

The most wonderful time of the night, every night, right now. Here it is, the nightly P4K thread. Time to get comfy.

>P4K Collection Rar (Over 300 deleted reviews, pics of every staff member, now slightly updated)

>Tonight's Top Stories
-This thread stands with Kesha eternally
-M.I.A. is dropped from Afropunk
-Rest in peace Alan Vega
-This thread hypes and supports DIIV, Wreck and Reference, and Frank Ocean.
-/p4k/ forever

These threads are dead

Why did they die so hard, actually? Did something big happen?

Probably just because there have been no big releases in a few weeks.

Zoe left p4k
no fresh memes
no big (scheduled) releases on the horizon with meme potential
most of the trips are gone

redesign + reviews every night + death of good content guy PBUH

>Why did they die so hard, actually?
Because they're crap and were never wanted except for one small circlejerk of tripfaggots that thankfully left

now fuck off back to oblivion

Why do I have to fuck off

I don't even frequent these threads

This thread stands with Michael Gira, Freddie Gibbs, Afrika Bambaataa, Heathcliff Berru, Leslie Rasmussen, Gustavo Guerra & Dr. Luke -- and rejects the rape culture hysteria of Meagan Garvey, Amber Coffman, Bethany Cosentino, Larkin Grimm, Ke$ha, et al.

i've been thinking about adding ian connor to the list of ppl this thread supports and ernest baker to the list hysterical rape culutrists, but neither are musicians. then again, neither are gustavo, heathcliff or meagan.

pls vote in my straw poll, or reply here with your thoughts.

how long have these threads been around? surprised they've lasted as long as they have tbqhwy

how long will p4k shill last before he gives up/moves on?

Noko are you still here!?! I need to believe that you're still with us

which noko?
noko & sage or Not Noko?

I am always with you on these threads my friend.

and don't forget the original noko & sage, the creator God of /p4k/, even though noko & sage II is the one who has done the most for these threads, had a much longer reign, and brought the dubs magic

this thread got mythic all of a sudden


Is it really you?


Ian William Craig 8.2 by Benjamin Scheim
Abra 6.2 by Kevin Lozano
Towkio 6.5 by Abigail Covington
Wreck and Reference 8.0 by Andy O'Connor

IWC b BNM tbqh

Anyone heard the Ian William Craig album? Sounds interesting

another night, not just a metal album, but also an "experimental" album getting an 8.0 or + and no BNM

implying Sup Forums isn't the real p4k shill

Until I'm sure the thread will carry on without me

haven't heard it yet, but his last two albums are great, especially A Turn of Breath