Post favorite album and favorite tv show and guess personalities

post favorite album and favorite tv show and guess personalities

>Revolutionary Girl Utena

Other urls found in this thread:

>Beirut - The Rip Tide

Shut in, but a cool shut in.


Utena is a 2nd or 3rd for me.

>pic related
>Breaking bad or Desperate Housewives

generally keeps to himself, occasionally uses weed

spends a lot of time drawing

>pic related
>tie between Arrested Development and The Office

Tales from the Crypt

Green Lantern: The Animated Series

pretty chill dude, doesn't care what people think of him/her most of the time

What's Going On
The Tatami Galaxy

>The Knick

Twin peaks

One Piece

you like pirates

You're really into nature, and you're gay. Like, that's not an insult - it's just everyone I know who's into those two things (myself included) are VERY gay.

Curb Your Enthusiasm

>Pic related


You posted this an hour ago from now, an hour ago I got home from work got high and played this song

>Soundtracks For The Blind
>Six Feet Under/Twin Peaks/Dawsons Creek

hey, you're pretty spot on. cudos

god that album is fucking excellent

havent heard it in a while, should probably give it another listen

Mad Men

My favorite show is name of Check It Out With Doctor Steve Brule

>Born To Run
>The Sopranos

>Favprite Album
AJJ - Can't Maintain

>Favorite TV Show
Tie between Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Evangelion

The Twilight Zone

gets lost in whiskey soaked melancholy from time to time
caffeine head
pretty cool guy but not sure what else to say
has a poster of Miami Steve stashed away somewhere/occasionally air guitars to his solos

>The Replacements - Tim
>Star Trek: TOS

Ween - The pod

Oops forgot to rate here:

Super cool guy, twilight zone was my second choice. Probably likes to have a few beers and relax at the end of a work day.

Probably wears plad button up shirts
Likes to go muddin'
Possibly homosexual, possibly VERY heterosexual
Really enjoys primus

>likes to wear button up shirts
that's literally all I wear

>Super cool guy, twilight zone was my second choice. Probably likes to have a few beers and relax at the end of a work day.
Nailed it. Good work.

...Game of Thrones

>Bottomless Pit
>True Blood


>Twin Peaks


>arrested developement

my nigga

>any colour you like
>master of none

twin peaks is 90's cheesy

probably pretty funny

Bojack Horseman

beard culture


oh i fucked up
> any clour you like- selenite
>master of none

>liking revolutionary girl utena

Get away from my Loveless you fucking scum.

Neon Genesis Evangelion and True Detective are tied for first.

never had a beard

i apologize

fantastic albums anyway

Definitely Mad Men. I love that office drama.

what's your beef with those shows you passive aggressive little bitch?

they suck

yeah that's Sup Forums level critique alright.

No need to get all queer on me, I love your album pick, take what you can.

>pic related
>Either Mad Men or The Sopranos

>Garden of Delete

>The Pod
>It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Professional sadboy.

Weird love/hate relationship with women.

IRL shitposter.

>Doopees - Doopee Time

>currently airing
>all time
The Sopranos/Mad Men

Good tv taste

>Christmas Island
>Rick and Morty


American Football
Arrested Development
This guy doesn't have an album I don't think but I fucking love all of his music. This just happens to be one of my favorites, and I'm not even that huge of a fan of Kirby, I just love the song.

Favorite show is Gravity Falls.

your an aspie

a cuck.

Moral Orel