kang edition
lisa my love
fatty edition
Twice is good and talented
doyeon is so cool
I can't decide whether or not I like Umji or not.
Word, we like Gfriend and IOI
YO I frickin love Wendy ok?!
ugly hoe
Same here, friend!
who care about nugus
*many cock goes in here, tee-hee!*
Such a cutie
isn't that the type of cat that one guy always says Sorn looks like?
if it wasn't for her face she'd be nice
man coming here is really hazardous to nofap
3 weeks and I'm finding all of these nugus unbearably cute...
post that hapa with the flat ass
is that Kang Mina?
Jeongyeon is CUTE
Who has a better ass- Naeun or Eunji?
Are you guys all gooks or something? Recommend me some good songs with hot (but not slutty)bitches.
But why would i like her with man hair when she has a sister with a prettier face and hair?
what does that symbol with the fingers mean?
hit me with those slugs f@m
fuck you yeri
None of the above.
Its a heart.
Recent popularity ranking of boy groups on a male-dominated site
(Excluding Bigbang since their rank would be too obvious)
1) B2ST (34.9%)
2) SHINee (15.2%)
3) Block B (12.1%)
4) JYJ (9.7%)
5) Winner (8.7%)
6) EXO (7.9%)
7) Infinite (5.6%)
8) iKON (3.4%)
9) BTS (2.4%)
- Why did BTS get small votes? Their songs are good and they're next to EXO among girls
- I thought of B2ST as soon as I saw the title
- You have to watch B2ST's performance at 2010 World Cup, they sound amazing
- Only B2ST and SHINee
- Except B2ST and Growl, I don't even know any of their songs
- I know two full songs of B2ST and that's a lot ㅋㅋㅋ
- There's no one to pick. I guess I can pick B2ST least...
- None. I think the toilet group is done unless they comeback as JJ instead of JYJ
- SHINee is the finest. Their songs and performances are good and they don't have a controversy.
- Block B is the worst for me because of Zico and other members' controversies
- Why isn't there an option to pick no one?
- I'm a guy but Block B and Winner have great songs so they're likeable
Pann: Recent popularity ranking of boy groups on a male-dominated site
1. [+200, -265] Male-dominated sites like groups with good songs and talents. Lip-syncers like EXO are only popular on female-dominated sites ㅋㅋ
2. [+146, -8] Guys I know like Yoon Doojoon so much because he's good at soccer and is handsome.
3. [+100, -8] SHINee used to be called gay and got a lot of hate, I'm glad the responses are positive now. This is why their career years are important. Of course, their songs are also good.
4. [+76, -0] I love B2ST. Last long B2ST!!!
5. [+61, -0] My brother has no interest in my favorite group but he really likes B2ST
6. [+60, -2] They're excluding Bigbang from the start ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Bigbang is popular regardless of genders.
as im told, its a heart
she's looking very manfacey here
Her face is adorable though
>1. [+200, -265] Male-dominated sites like groups with good songs and talents
appreciate y'all niggas advancin da meta n shit
>the fuck oppa
why did she ask this question
>tfw minho smashed yoona in a schoolgirl outfit
>1. [+214, -10] I love Twice, their singing and dancing is good and they are amazing!!
delete this
right to the heart...
I like her hair
And I think she's better looking than her sister
>mfw my computer is making a scary washing machine noise
Based. I got Joy.
and RV wasn't even an option for the girl group question...
post the quiz link
wtf they kinda suck.
some of them look alright tho
>1. [+14, -10222222222222222] Twice can sing
please give me the fancam for this?
where's the part that says she's a fake fat fuck
>tfw red velvet will never come to australia.
What is the best K Pop album of all time?
i'm still pissed that i never saw lizzy when she was here
Page Two or Story Begins
i'm not even going to complain
Dress to kill
beg - basic
pink rape
The Red
this 2bh
that's a jpop album
get off your phone retardzoh
and dont reply to yourself on your computer