killed myself like 2 weeks ago but got revived. wish i died. need music for that feel, nothing too boring.
Killed myself like 2 weeks ago but got revived. wish i died. need music for that feel, nothing too boring
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what was death like
like a dream
just kidding, i don't remember at all
The Glowing Man? Seems pretty near death like...
But seriously... There's problably a reason why you didn't die. You deserve to be here, and I'm glad you still are.
>There's problably a reason why you didn't die
Exactly! OP you need to try harder next time!
blackstar - bowie
>death is nothing but void
I'll just pretend you didn't say that second line
Was it blissful?
specifically this
I think Mount Eerie is supposed to be a concept album specifically about this. I'm not sure though because I never listened to it.
Anal Cunt - 110 song cd
Choose life
>drop out of life with bong in hand
I want to dream
Yes, death is just a void, so try to enjoy life - there's nothing coming after it.
What if I'm not enjoying life user?
Try killing yourself again then
But we won't realize we're dead and that we are in a void of nonexistence. It's not like we're gonna be bored.
I'm not OP, but thanks for the advice user!
but what if I don't die and suffer some brain damage that makes me even worse off than now
dying is my absolute greatest fear
what if religion is right and i'm going to spend the rest of eternity suffering
what if the buddhists are right and i'm reincarnated
what if the nihilists are right and there's nothing after death you just cease to exist
what if that comic was right and i have to watch my life's most embarrassing moments over and over
death scares the shit out of me and there's no way to avoid it
I don't want to end up waking up while dead and realizing I've got few trillion centuries to kill
Do you remember anything before you were born?
This would imply consciousness has a beginning
I'm just worried that there's no end
If that's the case then we're fucked.
Still doesn't make much sense to me, both scientifically and philosophically, unless you've got some spiritual mumbo jumbo going on there.
we only feel boredom because our human brain is designed to make us feel it user. our post-life vessel will make us happy and content with an endless lust for existence, kind of like the feeling you get when rinsing out your copy of TLOP.
I'm glad they didn't set him on fire
Damn yo
Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes - Paix
The last song of this album (Un jour... la mort) talks about Catherine's failed suicide attempt, her talking to death, described as a woman, and finally realizing she want to live, even though she was sort of seduced by death.
Me too.
It's weird though, because I have also thought of killing myself more than a few times, and I can't say I'm the happiest person on the planet.
But I don't understand why my consciousness would have been created, just so it can ends up potentially disappearing into nothingness.
I'm really scared sometimes by that potential void. Life seems so meaningless when that happens, and trying to give it a purpose in those moments is really hard.
I guess I need to read some Buddhist texts someday, to help me accept this fate.
Or trying to understand those quantum consciousness hypothesis stuff, maybe.
But I guess our minds are just way too limited to really understand what is going on, just like the way the mind of a dog is too limited to understand all the intricacies of human language.
maybe we are all already dead and we dont realize it
Being scared of nothingness after death is a fundamental misunderstanding of what nothingness is, or rather isn't.
I see your point, but as far as I'm concerned, this potential nothingness is something unknown for me, and it's normal to be scared of the unknown, especially in regard to death.
holy shit thats the cutest filename
Well, the way I see it is that nobody will be able to know what death is like before it happens, but everyone knows they must die. So even though this is a massive unknown it is a unknown that you know will happen at some point, and that billions of people before you have died, and there will be countless more after.
I just can't wrap my head around all those consciousnesses continuing on somehow. It's almost like my mind just rejects this thinking because of how depressing it is. Like how could you ever live for anything, knowing that it would be minuscule the scheme of your consciousness?
That being said, I am depressed as fuck and constantly think about dying, I see it as release from this world, I see nothingness as better than unhappiness, death as objectively greater than or equal to life.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of death at all, I always second-guess myself and am usually not too strong in my opinions, but something about this belief sticks with me more than most.
tl;dr if there's two doors when you die labeled "Fucked" and "OK" but you don't know which one it will be, why not pick OK?