No "beginner producer" bought his plugins right?

No "beginner producer" bought his plugins right?
All of this shit pirated?
A fucking library for Kontakt can kost $199 ffs.
Kontakt 5 itself is like $599.

And you have to add 10+ plugins because thats how it is.

Fuck this industry

They charge so much so that the 1 person out of 1000 people who actually do pay for it can put some munny in their wallets

Wow look at this disgusting poorfag
You don't deserve to make music third world country faggot

No one wants to listen to your World Music anyway

ITT: Trust fund kiddies

t. jaded poorfag


>Specialized software that takes a lot of money to develop and support costs a lot of money

No shit Sherlock.

Also, nobody is forcing people to buy anything.

why would he be jaded when he can literally get any of the plug-ins for free from the internet

makes no sense

>hey guys look buy a daw and plugins it's cheaper than an instrument
Bullshit. Electronic music costs about the same or more to make on a professional level as a rock band.

Why does this thread exist when he can get it for free off the internet

makes no sense

I'm sorry if not choosing to spend £129 on a program that makes noises makes me a poorfag.

omg it costs money to make money
omg omg omg

buy the plugins faggot

just sample you chump.

>to make money
>make money
>make money
>to make money
>buy the plugins
>to make money
>make money

It's no less retarded than buying a guitar tho desu

>bedroom producer
>make money

If you already have means of multi tracking buy a hardware synth and get away from that soft synth shit for a while.

When i buy a interface or hardware synth at least i know it has physical value so i can sell it again to buy a different piece of gear. Soft synths have musical value but are pretty bad on the resale upswing.

A good amount of professional producers have been shown to pirate their VSTs, only morons actually pay money for something that you can get for free.

I pirate everything. Kanye got caught pirating why should i give a fuck?

Fucking ridiculous that people charge for something that costs so little to reproduce and sell. Pirate that shit.

Its not even about that it costs money.

is the retarded amount that they want.

Photoshop or After effects costs less while doing (for their own "business"ofc) 10x more while a fucking Plugin costs more than the motherfucking DAW like WHAT THE FUCK

Have you guys ever tried to write a VST? I have, it's hard work. For one thing, it's multithreaded, so the GUI and the audio processing happen on different threads, however, it's also real time, so you can't use typical locks or "block" the threads at all. It's a whole specialized sub-genre of programming that there aren't even any books about really, and most colleges probably don't teach it.

just read the code of any open source vst there's sure to be a couple of them.

>Have you guys ever tried to write a VST?
Why would i when i can b..
Pirate them

lmao fuk this gay nerd shit. hit up tpb gay boy.

ITT:Bedroom producers who will never make it whine about being poorboys


Lmao, I make 5k a month and I would never pay for digital goods.