Tonight I'm going to wrap my tongue in saran wrap and drink a bottle of bleach. Give me music for the drive to the grocery store, the preparation, and the execution of this act. Don't try to talk me out of it.
Tonight I'm going to wrap my tongue in saran wrap and drink a bottle of bleach...
Program music - kashiwa daisuke
Life worth living for, but if you're gonna off yourself tonight, I'll see you in the next world
Please don't do it OP there is people who care about you.
It's still gonna hurt
Don't do it dude, there's new music and all sorts of shit to look forward too. Here's a chart though if you think you need it.
What a retarded way to kill yourself. Have fun.
what will wrapping your tongue do?
ramshackle glory - live the dream
i care about you
I'm guessing it won't burn the fuck out of his younger or he end taste it as much.
>he gonna kill himself
>he's worried about it hurting
drinking bleach is fuckin retarded senpai just put a fuckin gun up to ur head best way to go
I would try and make it as painless as possible.
I deserve to be selfish now. My whole life was spent living for other people.
The intent was to block the taste so I could down the whole bottle without gagging. I'm starting to think I'll just hang myself from the bridge near my house though.
I don't want it to hurt. I just want to stop living.
No gun, firing range is closed.
>killing yourself
>not living as a creative nothing which affirms his own egoist desire through destructive subversion of ruling class ideology, thus liberating himself from any externally-imposed bonds which he never agreed too anyway by making your very existence a rebellion against those who seek to oppress you
Any Radiohead album would be good probably
hanging is probably better and less painful than bleach
If he does it right and snaps his neck and doesn't choke.
You're posting here because you're looking for a reason not to kill yourself. This can be your reason: seek help. Someone cares about you and they don't want you to kill yourself.
As he said. Give someone a call, if you have nobody try the suicide hotline and get some help. Im sure there is something your looking forward too in the future.
>I don't want it to hurt.
>plans on drinking bleach
it will slowly turn your insides liquid, bodily fluids will mix and you will die from either septic shock or when internal bleeding. Either way, the process will take several hours and you will be in more pain than any of us could ever imagine
>I don't want it to hurt
>Plans on drinking bleach
That's some stupid shit, mate.
There are much less painful ways to kill yourself:
drug overdose (even paracetamol)
drowning (not as bad as it sounds apparently)
heck, even jumping off a building would be less painful
Of course, you shouldn't kill yourself, and yadda yadda yadda.
You won't hear what the new [insert band you like] album will sound like.
That bonus game made me smile way too much. Don't do it OP, there's so much music to listen to!
I'll never be truly happy, that's the problem. There is no light at the end of this tunnel.
Just b yourself :)
If you've never, ever been truly happy then you might well have a chemical imbalance that can't be solved without medical intervention.
I probably do. Not willing to fix it.
listen to him. and seek help. literally nothing will come out of killing yourself. please talk to someone about how you feel and find something that makes you happy, even if you have get high to make yourself happy. anything that can snap you back for a little bit. much love, and I mean that sincerely bc I tried to kill myself once.
you'll look back in the future and be glad you never did it
can you wire me the rest of your money over paypal before you do it?
Sure. It will probably give me more reason to go.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, actually; it's a train coming at you.
>I don't want it to hurt.
>Tonight I'm going to wrap my tongue in saran wrap and drink a bottle of bleach.
yea u really thought this one through spazztroid
I wish.
take a bottle of sleeping pills. put a garbage bag on your head when they kick in.
I'm sorry you feel so shitty, dude. I hope you can feel a little better and I really, really hope you don't do this.
Please call a hotline or something.
What kind of music do you like best?
I've always been partial to shoegaze and dream pop
it's not shoegaze and it's not quite dream pop, but there's a lot of fuzz pedal for you
this is my favorite song, and it helped get me through some shit. listen to it for me?
>didn't see the reply for a while
>this guy is probably dead now
I like it. Thank you.
Not quite, just gathering the materials for .
>It's a woman or nu-male "attempts" suicide by taking a handful of aspirin or swig of bleach episode then posting about it on the internet
please don't do it
This is very hard to do though, you have to use a perfect length and size of rope tied a very specific way to break the neck, nine out of ten times you'll just slowly strangle as your eyes fill with blood
music for feeling shitty about the possible death of someone you never knew?
Marijuana overdose? lol what?
stop. if youre gonna go to the store get something you enjoy, like food?? and not bleach?? or a rope...
>song fits subject matter
>not sure if meme'd
its not just gonna burn your tongue, its gonna burn everything. your throat, your stomach, everything.
that vacuums gonna rip your dick off
but play this
You are in for a whole world of hurt, and you probably won't even drink enough to die. You'll just throw up violently and your relatives will find you and take you to the hospital. Nevertheless, enjoy, if you make it.
google "[your country/state/province] suicide hotline"
you can get some treatment and maybe some nice pills to fix you up good. Life is fucked some times, but it can be beautiful, too
phil collins is pretty good yo, even though he ruined genesis
Here I go, anons. See you on the other side.
Wait user don't go what are you listening toooooooooooooo
please have rebecca black, bjork and one direction next to your suicided body
literally what
Just do a drop hanging. Good thing OP can't buy rope this late though.
>not going on a massive fucking bender in tijuanna before suicide
>not asphyxiation by noble gas
spend your money traveling the world. if youre going to run from your problems try running from your town, state, country, continent, etc. torrent as many albums as you can and load them up on some large storage media player and Sell everything you own buy a ticket out of where you are plop you headphones in and run away. youll fit in somewhere. and if youre sitting on that plane and feel regret leaving everything behind it shows that you cant even muster up the courage to kill yourself. in 2009 i wanted to kill myself so i planned to sell all my belongings then use the money for expensive liquor,a nice suit, drugs and a hotel room to drink myself to death in. my total was about $11,200. with that money i looked around and saw oppurtunities fpr other ways to die,
> i could buy a low end porsche or a used BMW or a souped up ricer and blast down the highway initiating a police chase then as gas gets low i slam into a building, tree, post or off a cliff. i liked the idea so i went to the library and searched craigslist and used car sites for my death machine and there it was a 1997 Corvette in stingray blue kept exquisitely clean. i wrote the number to the dealer and left the library. i walked down the street to look for a payphone and ended up at an outlet mall. this was in the spring around march so people were walking about, i asked a few people if i could borrow their phone to call saying that i was trying to buy a new car for my dad as a gift. i was declined untill a nice thai lady let me use her phone. so i call the guy he sent me his dealership location, condition, recent repairs, previous owner history and was shocked when i didnt negotiate.
Delivar opie!!
"Fall from tall structure" needs this
> upon giving her phone back she asked me if the wendys across the street was any good, i blurt out "have you never had wendys before?" she tells me no because she was here as tourist. she camed here to visit her brother for the first time since he moved out of Singburi and she proceeded to pull out photos of her hometown and family with these beautiful rivers lined with palm trees and longboats sailng through. she showed me photos of these elaborate spiked temples and a large golden monk statue reflecting off the water. she highlighted aphoto of her and her brother and father standing arm in arm on their family's boat smiling. i was intrigued and i also referred back to her question about wendys, i said it was pretty good and that id pay for her food if she told me more about thailand. for an hour she told me childhood stories in broken english about her youth and growing up in Thailand all while she tried downing a order of 8 piece nuggets and fries, which seemed to be a difficult task for her foreign stomach.
There's nothing for him to deliver on. I just hope it wasn't painful t b h
Oh god did OP actually dieded?
fuck, I was not ready for this, rip op
OP, go to a hospital and ask them to pump your stomach... It's not too late... Please... We
Ch-checked. See you in dubs heaven hopefully.
Fucking idiot
saddest check 'em
when you have to check em but youre holding back the tears
Does anyone have confirmation? I hope OP didn't deliver...
Listen to this as you do it
I know this isn't the board but death by starvation sounds /fa/.
Dubs confirm
Kafka the goat
what I think that is just basically dying of lack of oxygen. Smoking without breathing air.
Yo I just saw this thread, haven't read any posts yet but cmon man why the fuck would you choose that method? So yr moms or your little brother or whoever can find you in a pile of your own blood, vomit, and stomach lining? Its gonna hurt like a mother fucker too. Why not just use carbon monoxide? Hell, a bullet to the head or slitting your wrists in the bathtub. At least the clean up is easy. Just know yr gonna leave an impact on a lot of people, who never asked for it, by doing this. I say give it a few more days or a nights rest at least. I'm not telling you not to do it bc nobody should tell you what to do with your body and life. Just don't make it really messy.
Also, the first post got the right answer on album.
there are other ways to kill yourself that are less painful OP. If you have a gas stove turn it on, close off ALL air flow and go to sleep
but seriously don't do it
I think he fucked the old lady and moved to thailand with her and married her daughter, and now he cucks his wife with her Mum
Kek if true
It's a joke category dude
I hope OP is dead. If he wants to kill himself then he doesn't deserve to live.
There's too many people in the world, let's not make a fuss over this one kill when it's benefitting our only world.
This desu
To be fair, you probably don't deserve to live either
OP If you are still here with us than give this a listen, one of my favorites. summed up my feelings at the height of my depression and I would wallow in my own pity to this and it made it just a little bit easier for me. There are options out there for you man, don't give up you never know whats just around the corner. Try seeking real medical help, maybe its a chemical unbalance in your brain its worth a try, don't waste your life. I love you OP and god bless your soul ;-(
You're right but I'm not some pussyfaggot who killed himself.
go go gadget thread
But if it doesn't work your internal organs are fucked and you'll live out your days in misery
If it does see you on the other side brother
I thought he was doing
great for a holocaust look