It is possible to learn to like music that you previously did not like

It is possible to learn to like music that you previously did not like.
what is the limit to this phenomenon?

i sometimes enjoy listening to two songs simultaneously, it gives a kinda sick feeling similar to noise or metal



Well, liking a song that you thought was shit is not that strange. I really doubt you can just jump from synthpop to harsh noise instantly though.

so u can learn to like anything while you are alive? or are you commenting on what is the preferable state for my body to be in?

first i ned to ask you something

i confirm that u are allowed to ask me a question

i need you to
go downstairs and make me tea (jasmine) or else i will die

nigga u need to make some sense

i dont give a ufcking shit


you give enough of a shit to let me know that you dont give a shit

I won t be leaving you to do this on

What a waste of a thread

that is a strange comment to make for someone who cares so dearly about Sup Forums's servers

breath, and vice versa. How many of the common things I and others thought we were doing

I think once you're an adult who knows what music you like, that's the end of it. I've never liked any kind of rap music or most country music and that will never change. I'd bet my life on that. Sometimes you'll get aging people that "start" to like certain music they didn't like when they were younger, but I don't believe that's what's actually happening there. My father tells me he hated most pop music when he was young, but he likes a lot of it now. I think he secretly liked it all along and was just too insecure and "manly" to admit it until recently.

so you believe that even if you really tried to like it, no matter what training/indoctrination techniques that you could not come to enjoy rap music?

people manage to believe in westboro baptist bullshit as adults, which seems much harder than liking rap music


i havent visited this board for a year, i come back and people get high, get tripcodes and spout nonsense on an image board? what is going on here

distance Bursting Distance Into clouds Clouds Clouds Distance, clouds Distance Distance, sails Into clouds Distance, clouds Sun, clouds

Who the fuck is talking about indoctrination techniques here? Are you mentally ill?

did you read the thread title? I asked about the limit to changing what you find enjoyable. the LIMITS

i wasnt fucking asking "how do reasonable human beings naturally develop tastes in music"

Oh, so you're retarded? It should be obvious that with the right techniques, you can make anyone like any kind of music. You need to be 18 to post here by the way.

The three strings are traditionally made of silk, or, more recently, nylon. The size of the organ lofts limited the number of performers for each Choir. Modern editions of such music usually supply a realized keyboard part, fully written out in staff notation for a player, in place of improvisation.

that is not obvious at all, that is an incredibly complex psychological claim that has HUGE implication of our understanding of how humans enjoy things

Can a human be this stupid?

If you stranded someone on an island for a year with nothing but consistent food and an mp3 player containing only ICP's complete discography, they would enjoy ICP by the end of that year.

how does that one example prove that you can make anyone like ANY type of music?

what if the music was nothing but the same note being played over again, or if incredibly harsh random sounds screams, or a constant stream of insults and put downs?

Hi bait.

That's not music. Try again.

who the fuck are these new trips

ok now give me a consistent definition of music. oh wait you have NO fucking chance

now imagine that mountain placed at the center of a compass.

are you just going to define music such that it is necessarily possibly enjoyed?

Hi bait.

gold in your hand, you don t know it exists.

It's not something easily defined. You just hear it and you can tell if it truly qualifies as music. Now, if you have some kind of serious mental illness it may be a blurry line for you, but that's really the only exception.

Im not sure how thats possible
if the music is good ill listen to it
if it sucks i hate it
Honestly what are we talkin about here ?
to get urself to like something that is literal dog shit on my lawn ?

>good music
>bad music

Now there's something you can't define. Truly a fictional concept.

that is absolute fucking nonsense. that is nothing but saying "if i think something is music then it is music, and if someone disagrees with me they have a mental disability"

that's interesting how you passive-aggressively imply he has a mental ailment while simultaneously trying to pass off your personal intuition as explanation

"you just knooow, maaan"

who do you think you're fooling seriously lol

It can be defined if you try to use your braincells
Humans will define music based on memory and assumption
(Remembering the tune/beat and anticipating the next one)

Bad music as in genre ?
Yes that is hard to define
As in quality of production ?
That is easy to define

lo-fi music is bad then i guess?

It's just the truth, and a mentally ill person will be more likely to overthink something and make it into some crazy complex concept.

>is music really music?
>what defines music?
>i'm so intelligent because I put way too much thought into stupid bullshit like this


I don't think the production quality matters unless it's literally impossible to determine what's being played and said. If you like the notes their playing, you like it. Simple.

that's even more interesting how you set up a strawman to avoid having to explain yourself.

It's pointless to argue with bait. You know this.