The year is almost over though it hasn't even started, i have no friends and time is just going faster and faster towards nothingness
music for this feel? Non of that emo crap please
The year is almost over though it hasn't even started, i have no friends and time is just going faster and faster towards nothingness
music for this feel? Non of that emo crap please
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american football
how old are you op?
Scaruffi detected.
You sound like a faggot. Go listen to top 40 radio or something.
i'd recommend something upbeat and cheerful, youre still 18 theres nothing to worry about
>almost over
it's the middle of July you fucking drama queen
Bitch you don't even know what true misery is yet
enjoy music while you can , even that becomes dull & uninteresting the more your mind swallows itself up
Wow OP, wow
Teenage-hood was really lonely for me too.
fuck man, 18 is weird as in you feel you're at the worst of it then you wake up five years later a total substance riddled basket case who let that idea of "things being bad" snowball to the point you're REALLY in the shit. life's hard, it's going to get harder, get ready for it as best you can.
Best Friend -Young Thug
This whole year has just felt like complete deterioration in every way for me.
I said >was but I really meant "is".
Don't think I'm saying anything got better.
that's a collective feeling too which only adds to it on a personal level. i truly believe we're in the end times right now which at this point may be more good than bad.
>no emo scrap please
Lists the staple of emo music
Nineteen will be the worst year of your life at the time it happens, and then twenty will feel like some kind of hopeful comeback, and then you'll get shot down again at twenty one, and then at twenty two your real existential crisis will kick in, and you will then decide either to kill yourself or just wait to die.
literally pink floyd - time
>i truly believe we're in the end times right now
all the more reason to begin truly living vicariously through memes user
2016 so far has been rough friend, not just in terms of personal issues but global problems too. Just keep doing what makes you happy man.. As long as it's not blowing people up or meth.
Flipper- Generic
For now,
Radiohead - Kid A
A few years later when you realize that this isn't even the worst and that your potential depression/anxiety isn't just content with you feeling nothing but you squirming and being in pain 24/7.
Swans - Public Castration Is A Good Idea
Btw if you just started college, this is your chance to reverse it. High school ain't shit and you're about to learn it.
>tfw listened to cravings
this drinks for you OP! i hope things pick up for you soon.
ITT: people glorifying depression because it's cool
Sad cunts.
hey at least you´re still alive, be the change you want to see
Even years are great. I didn't have sex or close contact with a girl until I was 21, but honestly I do not regret it. Just do things you like, usually taking long walks or riding my bike helps me a lot. Sex and friends are secondary.
i still have a lot to learn, but I realized that the fewer friends you have, the better. You'll learn to appreciate them more.
Thanks man, that really helped me to read
This man.
I feel like I'm currently in the boat you were in.
Bike rides, doobs, expanding taste in music, small bunch of friends who are actually your kind of people for once. Stuff like that
And I've never thought of my friendships like that before, gud post
Have you ever been depressed? I went through a severe major depression for about a year and a half and it was about the least cool thing ive ever experienced
seriously op dont take any of these /r9k/ tier replies seriously, thats not how the world works
Thanks for reminding me I used to have interest in things user
Misery loves company. We're all in the same boat here which is reassuring to me and others I guess. + depression is wank and we're not glorifying nada
holy shit this accurate for me right now I'm 21 and that's exactly how last year went for me now I'm just a depressed wage cuck
this is exactly what emo is for tho
from a sad twenty something to a sad 18 year old can you please listen to some emo crap. i can't shake the completely constructed embarrassment of listening to it at my age.
End times huh? Wonder why you are so alone... prolly not your dark ages POV...
but living your life in the light of the end times gives you even more reason to exert love