ITT: best albums to drop acid to
ITT: best albums to drop acid to
sweet trip - velocity design comfort
i feel like MBTDF would be a bad trip inducer, i just find the album scary for some reason
Slight chance you might shit yourself though.
>Sasquatch, Godzilla, King Kong
Lochness, Goblin, Ghoul, a zombie with no conscience
almost made me shit my pants
the pod by ween
The movie is good too.
Anything by Tipper or sixis or shpongle
had the whole "actually i changed my mind, i don't want to trip" as was coming up on my first trip alone & put this on while scribbling down complete garbage to put my mind at ease & it worked so i imagine it'd be great for a good time too
You can't get real acid anymore and haven't been able to for decades. These days anything other than dmt is shit and also dangerous as fuck. It's not worth it, just do fucking shrooms or something.
>can't get real acid
Lol ok... Find yourself a chemist and have him make lsd 25 it's really not that hard
if you're really that paranoid either silk road it or 1p
The vast majority of lsd in the US has been produced by a couple of individuals and they're dead or in prison. The acid your dealer is getting you is not the real shit.
Get yourself a test kit and put your paper in it.. Its really not hard to stay away from analogs and rc's... Seriously any chemist can learn to synthesize lsd
"REAL ACID" was conceived by the cia so what credence does the term "real" service in relation to LSD?
Albert Hofmann first synthesized lsd in the 1930s in Switzerland
talking about production my dude
got the hippies enough off their rockers so they couldnt actually incite any change during the 60s
C20H25N3O... If it has a chemical formula it can't disappear...
The Cia didn't play a part in production until it was already introduced recreationally
>The acid your dealer is getting you is not the real shit.
If you actually believe this you're a complete idiot. Yes there is nbome going around but trust me there is some really good acid out there and you don't have to look hard to find it
Trust me. I'm a doctor.
Get a load of this moron.
Great fucking album
Just because you're a faggot and can't get something doesn't mean no one else can. Faggot
Jimi Hendrix's Band of Gypsys Live at the Filmore East. The guitar solos are really fucking intense. especially when "hear my train a comin" comes on.
I hate this heady bullshit and its dumb subculture
This is #1
Also this
MBDTF is definitely an album to listen to while tripping. It can hit kinda hard but it does take on a more sinister tone.
1-P LSD which is pretty easy to get "legally" functions just fine. If one is not retarded with RCs things like MeO-MIpT, the 2C-x family and, even like AMT work fine and can be used safely. If you remove some of the mysticism fom Psychs you realize they're all pretty damn similar. Though if one has a Shroom connection it's probably all you need.
let's just say i get a kick out of bad trips sometimes
I'd probably say the albums you like sober but haven't listened to on drugs.
Though pic related scores a critical hit if your first time listening to it is on acid.
I'd say "bad trips" are usually fine and can be seen as positive when reflected on later.
Going Sup Forumscore on acid can be a thing too...
has a great time while listening to this
also try Joanna Newsom - Ys or some Aphex Twin
I feel like third side would be better since it fluctuates more (iirc) between genres
all three tapes are fairly diverse in genre, side 1 has some black metal and some field recordings, 2nd side has even more field recordings and some RnB. though the third side certainly varies the most. I like this one better because the third side is hella dark, but the 2nd side is the brightest sounding and most instrumental
This and/or SFTB
how has no one posted this yet?
wanna have the best trip ever?? listen to this ASAP
okey dokey meme drug master
I saw these guys live on Acid, a wonderful experience. They have one song with a drum-machine part and the click from it amidst the other sounds just felt so awesome. Unfortunately I feel this element wasnt translated well into the recordings but its still great music.
I candy-flipped (acid+MDMA) and listened to their entire discography and had a literal religious experience. Would recommend.