
Sup Forums I've had enough. I've lurked this board for six and a half years, not once, not one single post have I ever made. I come on every morn at 6:00 AM when my mom wakes me up, and then continue my lurkdom until the late hours o night around 9:00 or so when I must sleep for the next day to come.

This process is repeated every single day, except for Saturdays when I go to my mother's AA meetings with her and am disallowed from the use of my computer for reasons of the Sabbath.

Anyways, I have lurked now listening to nothing except Xenakis' "Nuits"--the Alpha and Omega recording. Nathless, this is not my reason for finally posting today.

I have listened to no radio, I have not listened to the music in synagogue either; even when the music starts in a movie I either walk out of the room or plug my ears and internally sound.

Unfortunately after 6 and a half years my vow of listening was broke by the accidental hearing of Phil Collins' "Strangers like me" from the Tarzan soundtrack, it was intoxicating, like a drug I'd never tried before, and thus I was pledged to seek new and exciting things.

What was the first choice then? What did I soliloquize to myself as that first piece, which would ring amongst the empty chambers of my mind, and bring me pleasures well known to only him who atop the Parnassian peaks gently plucks his lyre to the ever sweet notes of nature's majesty.

Well I chose your number 1 album that you so well posiedly boast of, yes the image is indeed related. For I listened to that chandal of an album.

What with its banal tones, and wanting of counterpoint this album, unlike the Orphaic tones of Xanakis, who is wont to take trips to that mount of wine-permeate, lacks the aptitude to be included amongst the canon of what you Shudras call music.

Yes this was the single worst album I have ever listened to, and you, you plebeians, love this trash! Horrid SCUM!

Other urls found in this thread:


Really, is this how you reply?

You all bloviate the length of aeons and yet all you can do, when trying to discuss the ars musica is this nonsense?

check out THESE dubs dood

but what about THESE DUBS ???

I've had enough of these dubs.



nothing can beat these SICK DUBS DOOODS

You guys are doing it wrong



So what, you listened to some mainstream garbage and after doing so, you randomly decided to give the most meme album on Sup Forums a listen, and after doing so, you decided that what it means is that we all worship a meme and all listen to it when really you were just saying that you like pop music and shit. So basically, you used to listen to only stuff that no one has ever heard of and you were trying to show it off like you're some hot shit, when you're just some guy who lives with mummy and goes to church. And you think this makes Sup Forums's music taste below yours? There's a reason why things are popular. When it comes to pop radio, it's because of music videos and advertisements and product placements and shit, but indie stuffins causes the reason why its popular is because a lot of people banded together and decided to make a list of their favorite albums, the Sup Forumscore thingy, and they just so happened to spearhead it with that meme album. But what about the rest? If you don't like meme lo-fi, fine, but liking Phil Collins, and especially liking his popular shit, is much worse than that shit so yeah. You're dumb and that's all that really matters for this discussion. Lol. Maybe you should Google whatever album that pop hit came off of and just listen to that if you think its so special, or just start listening to the radio. But don't take it out on us. Because here on Sup Forums, you're just a number.

Are u guys even trying? check out these dubs

hold up....
we dem dubs boys

cursed thread

these are both pastas right

but anyways CHECK EM



stop derailing this thread

fuc you man

rollin again

So what, you listened to some mainstream garbage and after doing so, you randomly decided to give the most meme album on Sup Forums a listen, and after doing so, you decided that what it means is that we all worship a meme and all listen to it when really you were just saying that you like pop music and shit. So basically, you used to listen to only stuff that no one has ever heard of and you were trying to show it off like you're some hot shit, when you're just some guy who lives with mummy and goes to church.

And you think this makes Sup Forums's music taste below yours? There's a reason why things are popular. When it comes to pop radio, it's because of music videos and advertisements and product placements and shit, but indie stuffins causes the reason why its popular is because a lot of people banded together and decided to make a list of their favorite albums, the Sup Forumscore thingy, and they just so happened to spearhead it with that meme album.

But what about the rest? If you don't like meme lo-fi, fine, but liking Phil Collins, and especially liking his popular shit, is much worse than that shit so yeah. You're dumb and that's all that really matters for this discussion.


Maybe you should Google whatever album that pop hit came off of and just listen to that if you think its so special, or just start listening to the radio. But don't take it out on us.

Because here on Sup Forums, you're just a number.

>6 years
>thread is this stupid

Sup Forums kills brain cells


Alright boys, you got some sick dubs in this thread but I'm gonna need you to reply to this post, or, well, let's just say your mother will... stop breathing in her sleep tonight


66 dubs now

if dubs your entirely family dies tonight and you cant stop it

If dubs, any dubs curse is forever lifted from all of Sup Forums

>dub thread
>only 1 set of dubs so far
Cmon guys, step up yur game!

Check these tho

That's a shame user, your off by one is no match for these

By the power of the Lord our God Bateman I take thy curse and throw it back to thee!

I come in DUBS!

I didn't like this album at all the first time I listened to it, then I burned it on a cd for god knows what reason and listened to it a bunch driving to and from my closest ski resort for a winter and loved it.

seems like 4ever ago.

Dubs for the dubs god!


Dub thread, ill save you!

Here's your reply

If dubs or not, literally nothing will happen

Dubs for immunity cat



how about if i get repeating digits YOUR MOM DIES IN HER SLEEP

this is the worst dubs thread ive ever seen


If dubs you will die in your sleep


>I liked Phil Collins
>muh counterpoint
even for a shitpost this is bad

If dubs, Kanye is shit

Shit, that means he's good

stop derailing the thread
check em

Yeezus best alnum desu senpai

You're the one derailing the thread with your lack of dubs

Check these trips bitch


Frankie Sinatra

Check em faggot

>Stop derailing the thread

Frankie me boi!

I luv my mom but look deez dubs

You're the faggot for not checking OUT THESE DUBS!

If repeating numbers you die in 3 years and spend your last 3 years in extreme pain, and everyone else in this thread and their families live long happy lives.

Honestly, the first time I discovered ITAOS was through Itunes, and it was like 1 of 5 albums that had full 5 star reviews.

Except, I was like "Why?" This album sounds like shit.

To this day, I still don't fully get the rave

Failure, failure.

If my digits are confirmed by the Lord our God Patrick Bateman your very curse shall be directed to everyone else in this thread

If dubs, everyone in this thread will get a gf

i stabbed dad in the shoulder with my fork
check em

If dubs your family dies, if trips everyone you know dies

U are all retarded

This was a shit dubs thread
Until I got these sick digits


sure was a shit thread til i shared these digits


Amateur *teleports behind you and unsheaths katana* nothing personal kid just dubs

Finally the curse has been lifted

Damn son!

Critical hit checked

damn son


but deez dubs are hot shit

Ah fuck it I ain't got shit to do anyway


time for some QUADS!


you mean these quads???

fuck you 9999! GET

quads get!

been tryiiiiinnnnnnn
to meet ya


and everybody before me is a faggot since i am the only that *actually* got dubs

>implying i wasnt the first to break the spell
nice try
and im gonna do it again!

well, at least you got some dubs

Check 'em

damn that was close senpai




nice senpai
