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wow anthony is fucking retarded no wonder Sup Forums shitposts him all the time

coming from someone who spazzes every time he gets criticized that's hilarious

>tfw fantano's influence is becoming bigger and stronger with each passing day until it gets to a point where he can destroy entire careers with a single review

How do we stop him before it's too late?

lik u

Anthony is a p big guy, I'd never want to fight to him

But no, I think he'll be fine

Is his pupper dying?

Why? He's right. Anything is up for critical debate. You can't decide who can critique your art.

for once anthony is right here. so sick of the "only certain people are allowed to criticize my art" argument. fuck tumblr and fuck lemonade

i like me too thanks for being nice so user :^)

The entertaining part is that no one watches his vids for his political or personal beliefs but now he thinks he can make think pieces or some other dumb shit


Why are musicians getting salty over Fantano's opinion?

Respect to Anthony for that comment. The first guy is trying to play the "oppressed minority" card to avoid facing criticism. We have enough Affirmative Action reviewers (Pitchfork) who give anything a black person makes a high score.

How can anyone like him? Seriously. You are all fucking retarded for making him this popular.

It's already too late. It's relatively easy though, just stop watching his videos.

>before it's too late
Look at Kid Cudi right now.

This so much.


t. 21 savage

kid cudi was a wreck even before antoine fantoine reviewed him

Honestly wouldn't those situations make him not care about somebodys review?

That original tweet is spot on

21 savage might be the most boring rapper ever. I wasn't surprised fantano hated it but that doesn't change shit.

At least he's doing the "lol fuck the haters" thing and not taking deep personal offense and playing the "u just don't understand my background" card.

lmao this happened last week

feels like just yesterday he was a nobody starting out his reviews in front of that damn tree

>21 savage might be the most boring rapper ever.
stick to reddit shit like aesop rock, milo, busdriver, childish gambino, and earl sweatshirt you pansy 7th grader


literally who?

his response

>implying 21 Savage isn't absolute dogshit

Hey dude, you posted in the wrong thread there, let me help you:

what the fuck


how can someone rap like this and expect any kind of respect

don't like any of those guys...lol. 21 is boring and I don't care how much of a "real skreet nigga" he is.

yeah, it's not like he plays the victim card ever. good thing he never appeared in any whiny videos with the amazing atheist asking le sjw menace some questions as le white male

mra neckbeards are the most easily triggered group of them all

Cudi's album wasn't that bad, and Anthony always makes sure to tell everyone this is just his opinion, not objective fact.

liking milo is the most fedora thing you can do

i get the appeal he is white like you people but slightly more masculine so you suck his neonazi dick for saying memes out loud in youtube. shits gayer than pewdiepie

Nah, disregarding someone's opinion as Reddit is more fedora than the website itself.

it's always funny to see Sup Forums's reaction to real hip hop outside of p4k approved reddit fedoracore "indie" deep hip hop

it's always the same niggas that hate on kodak black too. this is exactly how you faggots reacted to chief keef and waka flocka when they came out but now that they're safe and normie core you like them because it's cool xDDD

4-5 years from now you will all claim you were down with this song before normies got to it youtube.com/watch?v=NRvq-UfDeyA

fuck you faggots.. go listen to earl sweatshirt or danny brown or some other gay white people shit like that

sounds like Father but worse

lel that nigga is a worse rapper than Kreayshawn

anthony, you're a cringey fuck

wahh we don't like your shitty nigger music.
back to KTT

hey newfag this board has been a rap board since mbdtf got a 10 lurk moar

after you go back to /r/music

Well fedora is a pretty meaningless meme buzzword, but the meme is supposed to apply to atheist MRAs from reddit. I guess if the meme is extended to "people who disagree with me," then yeah, you're right.

I'll rephrase this for you though, liking Milo is the most retarded thing you can do. It pretty much guarantees that you're a try hard teenager with zero real world experience and no formal education.

It's sort of like using the insult "cuck," it's just a way to let people who aren't retarded that you have absolutely nothing of value to say.

>it's always funny to see Sup Forums's reaction to real hip hop outside of p4k approved reddit fedoracore "indie" deep hip hop

everything you say is a meme.

Are you new? We don't like Chief Keef or Waka Flocka. Go back to Hiphopheads.

serious question, is he retarded?

hollyhood is a good song but you're still a dumbass for liking 21 savage


21 savage doesn't have a lick of talented to anyone in pic related. it's a shame society would rather praise some lazy rapper. then talent like OPN

21 savage is actual garbage though. if you listen to trap at least listen to something good. he's like a fucking parody of the genre

why the fuck does anyone care

why is this a thread

who cares about melon

what's good trap?
how is this bad? youtube.com/watch?v=mWISiHcGoNg

what did he mean by this
21 savage

I'm not even that big of a hip hop fan, and I really don't listen to him, but disregarding people who listen to those artists as "try hard teenagers with zero real world experience and no formal education" while listening to a regurgitation of every boring hip hop song made within the last 5 years is a pretty fucking stupid thing to do.

>Sup Forums
>a place filled with 15 year olds that think animal collective and sufjan stevens are good musicians
>thinks they're right when they say 21 savage is bad

yall aint on dat slaughter gang shit

his two listenable songs are skrrt skrrt and red opps that's about it. his projects are extremely hard to get through. song's not that great either.

I'm pretty sure Milo hates hip hop.

back to Sup Forums scum

I'm black and I think 21 savage is garbage.

young thug is the only good trap rapper there's ever been honestly

t. white guy

cause Sup Forums has never ever slaughtered someones daughter
t.blake from the suburbs


21 savage is more or less drill . . . and Back from the dead will literally never be topped

also LA capone and lil herb

anthony is actually right this time

fuck off fool anybody can talk about your fucking music if they want to

Oh fucking heck I misread your post there, thought you were referring to fans of those artists, not Milo fanboys.

ing fans of those artists that, not Milo fanboys

>how is this bad?
Okay, I will admit I was just shitting on the guy having not listened to anything by him. Normally I'd be embarrassed to admit something like that but that song that you just posted is legitimately incredible.

>that bass drop at 0:27
fucking unbelievable, what album is this song on?

you're whiter than childish gambino if you don't fuck with 21

>who is future
>who is gucci mane
>who is waka flocka flame


>this will pair well with your whine bitch

top kek

insecure fuckboys eat sack of baby dicks

black kray>21 savage

I think he's talking about Milo Yianaionaoanoapopopuouos and you're talking about the rapper Milo.

red opps is fucking incredible desu
>gucci mane
the "i'm a normie and i'm into trap" of trap musciians

waka cool tho

red rag blue rag what you bangin i pour me up a 4 and pop me a xanny hate to break the news your favorite rapper is a faggot
waka fell the fuck off he makes shitt ass edm shit now
now i really know your white
youtube.com/watch?v=akP_jlZsiTY in what universe is this better then 21 and black kray is a bitch for beefing with icy twat

>Acting like being white is an insult

Sure is fourteen year old wigger and sixteen year old tumblr in here. This music fucking sucks and you will be ashamed of yourselves in a few years.

t. white guy

Well slaughter gang shit happens to sounds dull and boring as fuck.

No I know he's talking about Milo Ihaveafuckingstupidlastname, but I just skipped over a bit in his initial comment, gonna go back to being a faggot now

Kill yourself you cringeworthy scrub.

what a shit thread

>you're whiter than childish gambino if you don't fuck with 21
Fuck people who think like this, you're part of the problem

post your chest

At least Kreayshawn was qt

t. tommy, 17 year old resident of white suburbia

stick to sufjan stevens and futurem pussy

pic related is you

>cringeworthy scrub
what did he mean by this
im mexican lemme guess you're from queens and only listen to troy ave

You're god damn right I live a comfy white life.

But I listen to harder music than this shit.

this is Sup Forums right now youtube.com/watch?v=toIwCmnrVJ0

Cudi's album was absolutely awful.

post your chest playboy.

you're essentially screaming "check your white privilege" here

yeah bro vektor, gorguts, masonna FTW \m/

Flockaveli is widely considered to be a classic trap record on Sup Forums and pretty much everywhere else too.

>he doesn't know what hammie looks like

t. post-2015 newfag

>Nigger doesn't understand the difference between a trip and an user
Not surprising

i'm essentially telling your oreo race traiting ass that you have shit taste cuz

what the fuck does that even mean?

Don't you have a cribbage game to get to?

post your chest

It's like she's reading a transcript of this thread

you listen to hardest shit ever coz you gotta compensate for beign a fucking pussy

alright so we agree 21 savage is good?

it actually sucks. the beat is heavy i guess but seriously there's enough other cookie cutter trap bullshit music around that sounds exactly like this. trap getting popular is seriously one of the worst things to happen to rap. this shit is all so samey and dull.
"but its music to get fucked up to"
all music sounds good when you're fucked up get outta here with that shit.