What exactly is his endgame?

What exactly is his endgame?

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27 club.


how will he die?

Do the same thing over and over until he dies of lung cancer.

people in the 27 club were famous when they died though

mac is already half forgotten

hasn't tom waits been smoking for his entire life? he's still alive and kickin. so i don't think mac is going to die from lung cancer anytime

cancer is a diceroll dude, just because your grandpappy smoked unfiltered reds by the carton doesn't mean you won't get lung cancer

Getting hit by a tobacco truck on the way home after getting the news that his lung cancer is cured

his gf will leave him and he'll run out of things to write about

drugs until drugs are no longer drugs and he becomes the drugs

everyone is gonna die, and probably way sooner than they think :)

Hopefully his next albums he'll take a step from the type of music he usually makes and bring something awesome. He gets a lot of animosity here (the goofball thing really?) dudes literally just enjoying life not wallowing in self pity.

that's because all the permavirgin neckbeards on this board can't relate to foreign concepts like "having fun" or "enjoying things"

Crashing this plane.

I like Another One, I wonder when his next album is gonna drop

You know, this is kind of perfect.
Hope he steps up the meme 80's thing and stars making Synthwave this jangly guitars

I want him to make more stuff like Chamber Of Reflection

posted from my iphone


scaruffi to splooge between his front teeth

unfortunately probably

Sucks because he has a lot of potential, but with his current lifestyle he will probably bite the dust next year or some shit, hope not but

this desu, I don't think he's got more ambitious plans

listen to it, it became my favourite Mac stuff

>tfw you just want Pierce to return to the band

this is so fucking chill it makes me feel like my cat
thanks user