Sup Forums MAKES AN ALBUM: Indie Trash edition

I'm sick of all these shitty, fake-ass indie bands that get's the "Best New Music" moniker from Pitchfork

It's up to US to put an end to this, by making our own indie trash album!

Dubs = Song Name
Trips = Album Name
69 = Band Name

We will vote on an album cover.
After we have all the song names, we can then start claiming tracks to record.


Other urls found in this thread:

Montie and the Cucks


wtf are you talking about, it's since 2012 that pitchfork stopped pushing indie bands


Check em, kek.
Guess we got the band name.

In My G4 Over Da Sea is actually a really decent mashup album by Psycosis.

A Tribute to Harambe


DICKS OUT is the album name
First song should be A Tribute to Harambe

This is beautiful

Voting for album cover

poo poo and the pee pees

We already have a band name. Dumb frog poster.

God-tier band name
too bad we already have one

its me goku

Frankie Sinatra (Steam Powered Giraffe Cover)

Subterranean Homesick Jews

rolling for this

Unironically frogposting

rolling for this really really funny joke

As someone who has eaten shit before... (Intro)

helo i am here 2 make mucus


You're Out Of Your Element

joyful similes

Sup Forums Forever!

Ultralight Meme

The First Song

Alt Right is Alright (feat. Anthony Fantano and Sam Hyde)

We've made like 2 of these a week for years and they're never remembered interesting or funny xd

Last Night I Dreamt That Grimes Loved Me


Here's your album art

His name is chuck

Holy Fucking Shit Dude


...And Tonight I Dreamt She Was Taken Away

id like to b the rug beneath on which u wipe the mud from yr feet




wtf are you talking about, it's since 2012 that pitchfork stopped pushing indie bands – DICKS OUT

1. A Tribute to Harambe
2. DICKS OUT is the album name
First song should be A Tribute to Harambe
3. Sup Forums Forever!
4. Last Night I Dreamt That Grimes Loved Me
5. ...And Tonight I Dreamt That She Was Taken Away

It's looking like a masterpiece so far

The Ballad of Matthew Montgomery

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks



Be like Ali (Sonboly)


muh dick

double digits check them

It's only right if this is on the album

Astronaut Scott And His Hot Martian GIrlfriend

wtf are you talking about, it's since 2012 that pitchfork stopped pushing indie bands – DICKS OUT

1. A Tribute to Harambe
2. DICKS OUT is the album name
First song should be A Tribute to Harambe
3. Sup Forums Forever!
4. Last Night I Dreamt That Grimes Loved Me
5. ...And Tonight I Dreamt That She Was Taken Away
6. Be Like Ali (Sonboly)
7. double digits check them

The Ballad of Montie

Don't fuck with the formula, Brian (Feat. Mike Love)

New Boots, Old Dirt

He'll be alright (with Bob Dylan and Brian Wilson)

It's New Year's Eve and Grimes Is Performing at My House While Kevin Spacey Tucks Me into Bed Because My Mother Is in a Mental Institution


wtf are you talking about, it's since 2012 that pitchfork stopped pushing indie bands – DICKS OUT

1. A Tribute to Harambe
2. DICKS OUT is the album name
First song should be A Tribute to Harambe
3. Sup Forums Forever!
4. Last Night I Dreamt That Grimes Loved Me
5. ...And Tonight I Dreamt That She Was Taken Away
6. Be Like Ali (Sonboly)
7. double digits check them
8. It's New Year's Eve and Grimes Is Performing at My House While Kevin Spacey Tucks Me into Bed Because My Mother Is in a Mental Institution


Is Anyone Even Doing This Still?


Snare x4 (Song for Mike Loveless)

Rolling for this
Voting for album art

This song is BANNED in the Islamic State because it's fucking GOAT

voting this for art

made be like Ali (Sonboly)

Ding-a-Ling (If Your Erection Lasts For More Than Four Hours, You're A Fucking Ledge, Mate)

Voting this art

Bush did Harambe

Anita Tijoux can suck my cock

The Foil in The Soil

You Can't Spell Valentine's Day Without Anal Destiny

Roast Yourself Challenge

(Maker of this track has to make a indie roast yourself track)



Rerollin :/

Cum on guys lets make this happen rerollin. Could always be on the next Sup Forums album.

Don't Fuck with the Formula

Walk Out Your Beach House and Diiv Into the Wavves

i'm tired

+1 Vote for Folgers cover.

And band name is Coffee Can


fine I'll roll


Have you seen my cover?

Put "DICKS OUT" somewhere on it and it will be flawless

I'd love to suck the shit out of Montie

rollin rollin rollin

Guys you should vote for my cover it actually refers to a dick being out you can see.

i mean vote not roll oops


I still like this cover a lot
Also rolling for name

i'll add the other songs to it as time goes on

this is just another option, vote for it if you want

I Wanna Grime Grime's Grimey Grimehole




Roll again

Oh shit man, I'm so sorry

Ok it may have taken several rolls but does this count?