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Nigga that's one of the best tracks,

Vaudeville for "smart people"


James and the Cold Gun

Enjoy your kitschy vaudeville from quirky rich cat woman senpai

cultural appropriation

Cultural appropriation

stop trying to impersonate closeitjohn, he likes kate bush

Probably my third favorite track on the whole album.

Second half isn't as good as the first, Them Heavy People is ehhh too. Still the best in her discography, no idea why people prefer Hounds Of Love

no bleeps or bloops

because the second half of it is a synth-driven concept album about a near death experience in which the speaker hallucinates herself in the Salem witch trials but nah you're right cute quirky piano girl singing random songs is much better

Nice wrong opinion enjoy being a literally retarded retard

you really have no idea why people would prefer hounds of love? none at all?

Who the fuck is that guy?

Well other than the fact that people can like whatever they want to like, I think The Kick Inside is better. I still put Hounds of Love #2 in her discography, but I think it's a little too 80s sounding in some spots. Unless I'm meant to think someone doing a concept album in 1985 is revolutionary.

I agree that The kick inside is better.

I can't

your daddy

Other than some singles this album isn't really that amazing, I believe that Never For Ever did it's job alot better


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