How do we fix Shitaly?

And why is the answer banning Italians from politics for life and importing German professionals to do their jobs instead?

we dont Italy is literally one the best places in the world to live in, if anything it should lose influence from shit countries like Northern European ones and the USA

leave italy alone faggots

cuz Shitalia is the original motherland of state level corruption and organized crime
they have been eating public money since the roman empire
they are never gonna get corruption free
rather they will convert germans to corruption

GOOD posts
BAD posts

>Fixing shitaly

Keep on begging in the outside.

Italy already is the greatest country on earth, Pannonia

remove all wh*te people

nuke this shithole

full of africans and drugs

You are seriously underestimating how painfully anal Germans really are about money.

literally all western european countries these days

>Italy is bad
>we should send Germans to fix it

great fucking idea

I am a Greek, not Western European.

You blended in with the migrants and went to Germany?

I am a Greek, not arab.

of course, you just hid the giant cross neclace

We have both Greeks and Arabs here, no one can tell the difference.

Greeks don't look like arabs.

you are an immigrant in sweden

but how can you be Greek
If I am Greek?

I am Greek

I am Greek

you just look like turks?

you are a shitalian

pic related
turk is an empty word like american


>In charge of política

Next thing you are going to say is that Italy should get Greece to fix their financial problems

>importing German professionals to do their jobs instead
So make it even worse by appointing German politicians, who will import shitskins and niggers from Africa and mena?

force out all italians
replace them all with romanians

but I am Greek
fuck you turkroech
Constantinopolis will be greek again


it is otherwise

>before 1910

so we can become little india?

so that we can become this

shitalians made istanbul to a shithole


Kill urself Mohammed

Vattene ora, non sei italiano non appartieni a questa terra

Fuck off roachie turkroachie
Byzantium shall rise again

That spanish face is very innaccurate.

go to the aegean coast and people look greek
go to the black sea caost and people look caucasians
go to eastern anatolia and people look like kurdshits or armenians
go to adana and you think you are in syria


>german professionals

Assumo che sei nuovo su questo board

I am a Greek, not a german subhuman.

questa terra appartiene ai veri figli di Roma

No ma mi piace far incazzare la gente

it can only rise again when these burn

Cioè non i rumeni

of course
absolute bro tbqh, he gave me pecorino

spain is a big shithole

Roma da "Romania"!
Non vedo Roma in "Italia"
romanians are generous like that

does this modern shit look like byzantine to you

Lo so che sei molto frustrato perché sono finiti i cavi di rame ma dovresti veramente tornare in romania

I am greek, empire when?

Io so rumeno perché so de Roma
italiANI fuori dalla terra dei miei antenati

2300 years ago

Torna nella terra dei tuoi antenati cioè l'india

Torna nella terra dei tuoi antenati cioè l'Africa

please stop bullying

Ricorda che la transilvania è una terra ungherese come tutta la ((rom))ania

Ricorda che il nord è terra tedesca e francese, mentre il sud terra araba e greca

neanche la lega ci crede seriamente.Poi cos'è il rinascimento ed il proto-nazionalismo italiano , Parlando di cose serie come sono visti i russi da voi?

>enter /ita/

>zero italians, only romanians and terrone

dipende, una gran parte degli anziani sono pro-russia perché da giovani il regime comunista gli ha lavato il cervello con propaganda sovietica
ma per fortuna la maggior parte del paese vede la russia come una minaccia

Verde= Dominio mafioso dei Mauritani

Why would you get the Germans in?

... when you could have the British instead?

englez imbecil

Because Italians haven't been able to govern themselves for close to two thousand years.

>englez imbecil

>Greeks don't look like arabs.

why don't english celebrate Paștele mă-tii?

>German professionals

You mean like Merkel and corrupt firms like Siemens, Hochtief, VW, Ferrostahl etc? What could go wrong?

>"Pizdă" is most often employed as a swear word in Romanian. Roughly translating as "pussy" or "cunt", it is a vulgar word for the vulva. A common profanity is the phrase "du-te-n pizda mă-tii", meaning "go into your mother's cunt". Another one is "futu-ți pizda mă-tii", "fuck your mother's cunt". These are often shortened to "pizda mă-tii". If the speaker doesn't wish to direct the profanity at his interlocutor, the phrase "pizda mă-sii" is used instead, meaning "his/her/its mother's cunt". It can also be used as "pizda mea" meaning "my pussy". "Lindic" or "clitoris" which means clitoris is used quite often in profanity in instances such as "suge clitorisul meu" or "suge-mi lindicul" ("suck my clit").

>This expression is often said more euphemistically by replacing the expletive pizda with another common noun. One of the variants of this particular insult which is often heard is "morții mă-tii", meaning "your mother's dead [people/relatives]", which is not usually employed in the third person. A more "traditional" euphemism for this expression is "paștele mă-tii" ("your mother's Easter"), mainly employed because of its phonetic similarity to pizdă. Another variation on the "mother" theme is "futu-ți dumnezeii mă-tii" which means "fuck your mother's gods".


Italy is so corrupt by now that nothing gets rebuilt by human hands or even machinery. The stones and bricks and plaster just sort of slither back onto their original place and the next day money appears on one of the bank accounts belonging to the local mafia don as if by magic

If germans got their kebab enabling scat porn loving hands on Italy it would start looking like Afghanistan within 3 months.

truly a wonderful language

same immigrant

Because Italians are terrible at organizing anything other than mobs.

Sauce: I went to an italian college run by italians.

THIS i have no idea how the country functions and has first world living conditions, is the most likely answer



Not the same poster and not one of your kind, immigrant leech.

L'italia è così corrotta al giorno d'oggi che nulla viene ricostruito da mani umane, o macchinari. Le pietre e i mattoni e la intonaco serpeggiano indietro al loro posto originale e il giorno dopo, come per magia, soldi compaiono sul conto bancario appartenente al don della mafia locale.

>German professionals

Italia e așa de coruptă în vremurile astea încât nimic nu e construit de mâini umane sau mașinării. Pietrele și cărămizile și plastica se târăsc înapoi la locul lor original și ziua următoare, ca prin magie, apar bani pe contul bancar care aparține șefului mafiei locale.

Also, I am a Greek.

all swedish/western posters outside of their threads are shitskins

Wrong flag m8

It really is

Who /greek/ here

I am greek

Hey Venezia

eu sunt grec

Germans are corrupted and slimy too. Only they hide it well. See volkswagen for example

Italy is ok OP show some respect you tard

Italians gib degenerate terrona gf and I'll help you

Shut up, horizontal italy.

T-thanks for using my pasta, Sri-bro