"Metalheads" unironically and actually believe that this is cool, badass, intimidating, dangerous and some might even call it art lmao
"Metalheads" unironically and actually believe that this is cool, badass, intimidating...
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if you actually gave that band a chance, you'd shit yourself
>people like things i don't like
Underage pls leave.
albums often convey or try to convey some sort of concept that would add/articulate elements of music
some do it just to be absurdly brutal and pray their art gets banned somewhere
but most of them are still better than 80% of normie retard music, so yea
>hurr why are lyrics so incomprehensive
just like the logo, it ultimately doesn't matter, were talking about music, right?
meal is for pussies and kids
death metal is the worst genre
it's not meant to be taken seriously
I thought that pretty obvious
>Judging a book by its cover.
then why do metalheads take it seriously, and get autism fits everytime someone points out it's stupid, juvenile and childish?
LMAO metalheads re litterally fucking retarded its not even music
It shoots for a particular fantasy violence aesthetic that is nothing more than an aesthetic. doesnt need to be taken too seriously. Non-autistic metal fans know they're not impressing anyone, they just like the vibes
i typically enjoy old school death metal for its erratic tempo changes, unique style of chromatic riffing (sometimes with a focus on unorthodox interplay, in the case of bands like demilich) and low-range buzzsaw guitar tones. in my opinion song structures in that style/era were often leaps and bounds ahead of most other "extreme music" at the time; pay attention to the motivic evolution of any song on the first morbid angel album. it's not sophisticated, but it gets the job done.
anyway both assertions that death metal is good because it is "shocking" or that it is somehow complex enough to go toe to toe with classical music are completely retarded. it might not be great art, but it's great rock 'n roll. sometimes all you need is a groove.
>fantasy violence
Just admit your edginess baby
on the other hand, you cannot prove that it isn't
dude it's not even music, stop bullshitting
>fantasy violence
White males, everyone.
Why are metal chicks so fucking hot, bros?
you can't prove it is, either
Metalheads are the worst kind of metal fan. For people who are neurotypical that listen to metal they'll be quick to point out that a history of attempting to push extremes sonically and visually has led to a sort of trope of having cartoonish depictions of violence as artwork and that it's not like they think it's scaring anyone
There are post-rock, rap and electronic acts that make darker music than most metal bands
you mean manface mcgee over here?
You're both in the wrong; it's not about taking it seriously or making fun of it.
It's just that metal is a spectacle. It's like an action movie, not like a documentary; you'd have to be fucking retarded to go see Die Hard and think "that was so stupid, do they really expect me to take this seriously? There's no way any of this would happen in real life!"
But you would also have to be retarded to be laughing at it the whole time as if it were a parody.
It's the same thing with metal.
You aren't supposed to listen to it and shit your pants like the man in your speakers was gonna kill you if you met him on the street (which is apparently what some hip-hop listeners do). You're supposed to enjoy it like you'd be enjoying a horror/action movie.
Asphyx is sooooo fucking boring and their songs are so terribly written like 90% of DM bands
It's intentionally over the top and ridiculous, just like the music is. Death metal doesn't have a reputation as being a thinkin' man's genre for a reason. It's conceptually very simple and doesn't have a lot of depth. It's not supposed to, it's just for fun
>Metalheads are the worst kind of metal fan
so metal fans are the worst kind of metal fan
yes so why'd it matter?
i'll just declare it aesthetically desirable because why the fuck not?
Because it's for edgy fags
>intentionally ridiculous
no it's not. if you think it's ridiculous you need to re-evaluate your position as a metal fan
because you're talking to anonymous kids on the internet, and also because a lot of middlebrow idiots have tried to turn metal into "art music"
no you don't get it
edgy fags are those who actually believe that they are scary. Metalheads are well-aware that they don't scare anyone.
i'm not an edgy fag (as far as you know), and i just declared it aesthetically desirable, so haha your hypothesis has been proven wrong
even if, what gives?
Nah it's really just mediocre and boring (unless the band actually knows how to write, arrange, and produce a song, which they almost never do)
You can like metal without looking like this, believe it or not
You mean unless they have RIFFS, which they quite often do.
Yeah but usually it means you aren't committed to it enough to buy merch to support the bands you like.
Which makes you a listener, not a metal fan.
>i just declared it aesthetically desirable
ergo you're an edgy fag
this is known as a self-evident truth
Death metal is p ridiculous. It's embarrassing when a dm band takes themselves too seriously
yeah if you're very insecure and lack integrity.
Lol it's not like the only way to be committed to something is to physically adorn yourself with it but okay sure
i will not let my aesthetics be determined by consensus, neither deliberately act against it
even if, what gives?
>all this metal hating
why? it's currently the most interesting genre of music that's active (aside from the wide and ambiguous array of electronic)
i bet you fags unironically listen to trap rap
Give me one example of a DM band that "takes itself too seriously" and explain exactly what you mean by "taking itself too seriously"
Because you've been throwing "take itself seriously" around for a while like it has a consistent meaning but it doesn't.
Do people think that's like a desirable look to go for or something..?
bbut it's uncool you cannot like it or you're not allowed to sit on our table!
Yes, rightfully so.
it's not like there's any preferable alternative
tech death, djent, and "avant-garde black metal" are not interesting
Like any progressive death metal band is usually pretty insufferable. Like Opeth (not really dm anymore but I mean previously) or in mourning or a lot of these very serious-faced tech death bands. But like cannibal corpse and nunslaughter and a lot of the nice older stuff is much more paletable
Oh yeah I agree, tech-death and prog melodeath is generally shit, but it's just because they take themselves seriously AT THE EXPENSE of writing cool riffs.
If they could do both there'd be no problem.
>take itself seriously
that just means "my hipster ass can't enjoy them ironically so i'll just dismiss them outright"
How about you dress comfortably and not like a fag
i wear a metal tee and black skinnies most of the time. is that bad?
the underground community is the demographic that predominantly hates "art metal", not hipsters (who usually need some kind of artistic pretense to justify their interest in metal)
Extremely. If anyone can tell what you listen to by how you dress then you're using musing as a fashion accessory
This is the music board. Metal is not music. Delete this.
what if i just like the visual artistic aesthetic associated with black metal? idgaf if people recognize the bands or not
you sound like an eminently punchable person
as an edgy fag i feel discriminated against
true actually, but the way presented it or how Sup Forums reacts to prog a lot of the time, ykno
it's no less a matter of "this doesnt fit into my self-image" with the underground tho so eh
>you're using musing (sic) as a fashion accessory
now tell me why this is bad
you sound like you have some unresolved issues
>mu hates metal this much
jesus i knew this board was full of plebs, but you guys could at least pretend to have good taste
good taste is for nerds
name your top 5 metal albums
>not listening to NSBM exclusively
How does being a cuck feel like?
i can act contrarian about solely my sexual fetish, it feels great
i hate niggers though, why is it always niggers?
>folks actually used cuck unironically
>Metal outside the containment thread
thats hard, but probably
black sabbath - master of reality
burzum - filosofem
varathron - his majesty at the swamp
mayhem - de mysteriis
krallice - years past matter
>inb4 >black metal
it's the best genre
at least choose the proper asphyx album next time you're shitposting
blackies get out
doom or bust
doom is good too. but funeral doom a shit
>funeral doom
End yourself my man.
>funeral doom a shit
pleb detected, funeral doom a best doom (on the same par as death/doom actually) but it's definitely acquired taste
You talking about the cover art? 98% of metal album covers are shit. Can't speak for the music, though
>dude, 4 note progression within a single natural minor scale, stretched out to like a minute, and then repeated ad nauseum, lmao
no thanks. it's just uncreative
>dude my attention span is shit and i can't listen to any song longer than 3 minutes lmao
>not liking illegal funeral slams
wouldn't pull that thread if he likes doom
idc if a song is long. it's the content of the song that matters. if it's repeating a simple 4 note progression for twenty minutes, then i'm not interested
Asphyx is cool, though that is pretty bad cover art. No metal fan actually gives a shit about being scary aside from underage Slipknot fans.
Metal is a pretty cool genre but the fashion and scene is kinda dumb
but all music scenes and their fashion are dumb lmao
i enjoyed a couple krallice songs and i normally hate metal thanks
yeah krallice is amazing. they're definitely my favorite metal band that's currently active. i'm glad you dig them too.
Thank you for your input.