>Be French
>Have one of the most globally and historically significant nations in the history of mankind
>Have a fascinating military history stretching back a thousand years
>Be a leading power in philosophy, science, and all forms of art
>Have world-renowned cuisine and fashion
>Have the single most popular country for tourists in the world
>Have the second biggest economy in the EU
>Have the most famous building and museum in Europe
>Have such a nice country that people literally die trying to get in
Be French
I always knew you were best ally, Murrika.
>be american
>get shot
My one problem with France is trying to learn the vowels in French. Half of them are silent for no reason, it's very confusing to me.
french is Indeed beautifully complicated, just like french girls ;)
>be America
>be so wealthy and prosperous that, contrary to the rest of the world, the people suffer from an abundance of food
I have a fetish for unshaven armpits.
Most of that shit is true, but oh how far the mighty have fallen. France has become a shithole. Their greatest city has been taken over by third world barbarians, but the sad fact is that the French aren't that much better themselves. They are dirty, smelly, rude, and just all around awful people.
That's only the Parisians that are like that. Londoners are like that too. They're both Jewish shitholes.
Nah man, I've spent a lot of time in smaller French cities and towns, those places are mostly white and the people are still nasty. I just don't like that country anymore and I wont be going back. And I don't think London is like that at all. The whites there tend to be typical big city folk, not the greatest but not nearly as bad as the French. Taking the train from London to Paris is surreal. You leave a clean, modern metropolis at St. Pancras and then walk out into a third world shithole at Gare du Norde.
>and the people are still nasty
Wow, I hate Canada now
>and the people are still nasty
Gare du nord is literally more dangerous than eating a ham sandwich in raqqa.
I hate Paris so fucking much
That's tru actually, beatiful country but now ehh, it's ok.
D'accord, C'est un beau pays, et la langue française est difficile mais est belle.
Hello everyone.
Racist white American here.
Black people are fucking cancer.
You have lower IQ. You are more likely to commit murder, rape, theft, divorce, be promiscuous, be unemployed, be homeless, collect welfare. You are less likely to be admitted into college. And those are just some statistics.
You are clearly less hard working, disciplined, moral and civic than Whites, while also more prone to do degenerate bullshit like bestiality, interracial marriage, twerking videos, etc.
Historically, Africa has been almost as irrelevant as Antarctica until only until colonial powers started investing in it. Before that, places like Britain, France and Spain were flourishing with so much culture, commerce and the like. And that's because European lands are mostly forests, mountains or taigas, while Africa is full of fertile grasslands and abundant resources. Just try to imagine if it was the other way arround...
Your shitty ass race deserves everything its getting because you have caused that on yourselves. You are self destructive. I'll be glad to in the near future be a return immigrant to the land of my ancestors, France, from where I will gladly watch America be wiped out by Russian nuclear warheads.
>>Be German
>>Have one of the most globally and historically significant nations in the history of mankind
>>Have a fascinating military history stretching back a thousand years
>>Be a leading power in philosophy, science, and all forms of art
>>Have world-renowned cuisine and fashion
>>Have the single most popular country for tourists in the world
>>Have the biggest economy in the EU
>>Have the most famous building and museum in Europe
>>Have such a nice country that people literally die trying to get in
France is just a black version of Italy
>be french
>wake up and sniff armpits
>"honhonhon pas assez smelly je pense, c'est unacceptable honhonhon"
>rub crushed garlic all over yourself to rectify this
>bus drivers are on strike again, ride bicycle to work
>accidentally enter sharia zone
>shaved twirly, effeminate moustache yesterday so look like a little boy
>dutifully accept your government-mandated anal penetration
>apologise to muhammed, abdul and faisal for not enjoying it enough, promise to do better next time
>finally get to work
>clock in
>surrender hard for 45 minutes
>clock out
>go on strike for having to work 15 minutes longer than usual
>get blown up on the way home
>be french
>go outside
>get blown up
>go to work
>get blown up
>go to school
>get blown up
>go to the movies
>get blown up
>declare war on germany
>go to nice
>get run over by a truck
>be french
>surrender to your alarm clock
>wake up
>have cold meat for breakfast because you already surrendered to your oven, stove and microwave
>pretend to brush teeth
>practise surrendering to yourself in the mirror
>spend three hours trying to cross the road because you keep surrendering to the traffic
>finally get to work
>surrender to your boss
>surrender to your clients
>surrender to head office
>surrender to germany in 1940
>go home
>surrender to yet another terrorist attack
>surrender to the government
>get tired
>surrender to your bed
Why are my Kiwibrothers so based?
Australia is jealous because they don't have a country that is their best friend and ally like we do in France.
>be algerian
>be french
Anglo successosphere.
>Be New Zealander
>Have one of the most globally and historically significant tourism in the history of mankind
>Have a fascinating military history stretching back a couple years
>Be a leading power in Maori philosophy, Shaman science, and all forms of Maori tattoos
>Have world-renowned English "cuisine"and fashion ahead of everybody else
>Have the single most popular country for sheep in the world
>Have the second biggest economy in the Pacific
>Have the most famous building and museum somewhere
>Have such a nice country that people literally shag sheep trying to get in
good post
Like you've3 ever fucked a french chick.
>be am*rican
>cannot tell the difference between stralian and kiwi flag
>thinks that middle earth is a real place and nz is fiction
>get so butthurt from nz not allowing the uss bauchman park into our harbour that they terminated our membership in anzus
>are so much of a pussy that instead of fixing their own politics they move to other cunts and become a weak diaspora
I cannot make this shit up
nz is fiction though you stupid fuckwit
>be French
>be superior to everyone in every single way
t. pierre
What the fuck did they do to your hobbit ass
where are the brit's lands in the second map ?
I only see Canada, USA and France
>la """"francophonie""""
Dear France:
Please take back Quebec, or at least as many of its people.
Grateful Anglo
I like you. You're much better than those snooty Aussies!
>>>Have one of the most globally and historically significant nations in the history of mankind
>>>Have a fascinating military history stretching back a thousand years
>>>Be a leading power in philosophy, science, and all forms of art
>>>Have world-renowned cuisine and fashion
>>>Have the single most popular country for tourists in the world
None of this is true for Gernany bb
what are you talking about jamal, rosee divine is the best thing in this realm
Shut the fuck up Costa Rica , even though I'd like to visit you , you don't know anything about German Ubermenschen.
Ich liebe sie Kamerad
what the fuck are those supposed to be?
France is shit. You make less sense than OP. Mexican Intellectuals are dumb as they are brown and fat.
How come the UK is such a shithole when the people are so clever?
A battle they won from a war they lost.
Nice VPN
The surrender banter I only know from Sup Forums. From what we learn in history class France is fucking awesome with everything it did for mankind.
>be French
>invent Baguette
Actually no, it was fucking Austrians lmao
I have to agree
Nah the baguette is French, croissant and other staff are Austrian.
That was croissant.
English lowbowmen that the perfidious Anglo used to attack France. I would like to apologize on behalf of my ancestors for ever going to war against France.
Britain should have been conquered by France (for the second time).
Baguette started as an Austrian roll.
Napoleonic armies brought it to France.
So they copied the shape but with bread dough, I wouldnt call them the same thing.
It is sad that we were almost able to be the one colonising you until the eternal Anglo got all capricious about it.
I don't like you
is this a new meme?
>Have some of the shittiest salaries of the first world
>most of it goes into taxes anyway