Why is it legal and socially acceptable to like Napoleon and admire him and he even gets streets namend after him and...

Why is it legal and socially acceptable to like Napoleon and admire him and he even gets streets namend after him and is considered a hero....
...but do the same with Adolf Hitler and you are a mentally ill monster who should be locked away?

What's the difference? The revolutionary terror was pretty bloody and Napoleons campaigns against many innocent countries took millions of lives. Back then people even thought he was the Antichrist because his barbarism was unprecedented in Europe.


The frogs still admire him.

Could you be any more right wing cuck? Napoleon wasn't involved in the terror and he did change Europe for good eg the Napoleonic code.

Because Napoleon destroyed the feudal system and church privilege. Also, his efforts to keep the man's rights ideals inside his empire.

What Hitler did again?

Because Napoleon actually did shit for france and a lot of European countries that he took over?
And was actually a good tactician
Unlike Hitler
Hitler only built infrastructure in germany
After that he did fuck all but wars.

Best Bonaparte coming through


>What's the difference?

Napoleon was French
Hitler was German (Austrian)

Napoleon didn't commit genocide

Not far from where I live some dumbfuck leftist "nartist" painted a portrait of Mao, and is it exposed at the window of her exposition room, so everyone passing that street can't ignore it.

The man killed as much people as Hitler or Stalin, but in peace time. And nobody bats an eye that his portrait is hanging there. It enrages me every time I see it.

Try doing that with Hitler. The hypocrisy.

>Back then people even thought he was the Antichrist because his barbarism was unprecedented in Europe.

True he even fired cannons at protesting mobs in the street in his early days.

Napoleon caused the death of 5,000,000–7,000,000 people overall, including civilians.

Okay? Still not genocide

the people dying under napoleon were incidental, the deaths under hitler were deliberate

Cauz zog community still isn't death

>literally slaughtering everyone who is against the revolution

Oh burger...

Who is this faggot?

Oh, isn't it Blucher's henchman?

napoleon surrendered himself and was locked away, he did his time in his life, in death he is freed

hitler would have sacrificed everyone for the endsieg

you really shouldn't compare him, napoleon deserves better

Vae victis.

Yet it wasn't even a French victory.

French race truly is the MASTERACE.

>frog damage control

>most people still know only Napoleon despite the fact that he lost
Truly, the Greatest Men get their names written in history by any means.

Because Napoleon was the last glorious general. And for all the blood he spilled he left behind good things, blueprints. The things he destroyed were holding us back, the things he created helped move us forward.

Hitler was a cunt who bought into his own frothy-mouthed rhetoric. His only legacy is the bureaucratization of genocide.

Napoleon couldn't even scratch the royal navy, Hitler destroyed the Hood and must therefore be vilified for all of history.