Lana is smoking a fag

Lana is smoking a fag

Wow what a fucking straight edge.
I can't believe I used to like her

wtf I hate

Can't believe those are still allowed in todays society


she's loved them for years and now you're just going to talk shit about them

please tell me how much you hate me


very interesting


why did you even feel sorry

i was really hurt along the way, you know that

i still cared

WTF!? I HATE her now!!!!

i believed every offensive hurtful and toxic detail i picked and this is how i drew such an idea
im naive

i was hurt by them and this is the result
im to blame

picked up*

oh wow that realy puts up some thoughts
like it makes you go huh
realy makes you think

ITT: Scarufficore



She would be a 10/10 if that cigarette was a 5 track EP

>Saw Lana on 4 Chan
>Smoking a fag


would u be down for a session of anal with lana

i fucked up 8 months of something special because i thought she was taking life risks with sex and hard drugs

i hope you can forgive me one day
understand what was going through

i really liked talking to you

both of you

Fucking gross

This does not grease my skids if you naw mean

are u sure

i forgave my rapist brother when i needed to

God damn is she ugly

smoking is sexy

im deformed just like her, maybe i got a chance


Maybe if you're 14

its my fetish