

Unless that band is actually popular
Women are truly the memest of all memes

Truth. Even I, a musician. Am starting to resent musicians in general. Most of them are weird, snobby, broke as hell, and only know 50 variations of the same blues song.

>band is actually popular

it won't be though

I don't think "band" is the main thing here. I think the same applies to any musician,

Most guys in "bands" who you would see at some shitty bar show are like this; man-children who have yet to fully mature and think they're hot shit because they're in a band.
But people who are dedicated musicians, play multiple instruments, and are committed to their own art while still actually having a life are a completely different story.

People find you pathetic either way after a certain age.

well women are retards i dont care what they think.
age 18 seems more fun target audience than this pretentious bitch with his eye brow muscle impressions

>Even I, a musician. Am starting to resent musicians in general.
This is nothing special, musicians are the worst towards other musicians.

It's not like other art forms where people are more likely to work together, or even musicians with artists that work in mediums outside music.

Musicians have a special sort of contempt for others and themselves.

Not if you're a musician in the classical sense and play a violin in an orchestra or something. And most people will think it's cool if they find out you're a musician regardless, if you're serious about it and keep it under the surface or don't spew it to everyone you meet

This is objectively false

I'm 26 and just started a new band and yeah I do feel a bit like a loser.

lol same tbqh

>sweet teen nani after every gig is a bad thing

Nothing like ripping a solo and making eye contact with that one lil sweet thang in the crowd then dippin your wick in some motel after the show and leaving town the next morning. True road dog style

They don't want anything to do with older dudes desu.

Its because the majority of people "in a band" are in their mid twenties, play shitty covers of butt rock songs at local dives twice a month, and work at some dead end minimum wage pizza job.

Having a hobby doesn't make up for not having your life together.

that must feel good

I'm 35 and still gettin that roadie sugar on tour

nah im in a shit band and all I smash is 18 year olds who think they're "different" than other girls

>"you're in a band?" t. male to female

>she's 18
eww she probably listens to justin bieber and shit

>she's 24
fucking awesome what's the concept

Have you ever met anybody like this in real life? Like, somebody who makes a living out of it? With a stable life and all that stuff?

No because the people who brag to strangers about being in bands aren't those people.

If you haven't what makes you think they exist? You saw them in a movie or something?

I'd expect an 18 year old girl to be in a Paramore esque band where she's the center of attention and has her beta orbiters do all the work.

I'd expect a 24 year old to have been in bands for several years and knows what she's doing musically, maybe something Pixies or St. Vincent inspired.

Yes, but she also teaches music performance classes at my college.

So, she doesn't get enough just by performing, huh?

>being the face and image of a band requires no skill whatsoever

I can testify that this is false, I'm a teen and have been in different bands and get the same response as the later.

unless you play in a really good cover band or are lucky enough to be in a mainstream touring band this is the reality

>implying that all "musicians" are dime-a-dozen 40 year old rock guitarists

Not in a band, but it's okay to having playing music with other people as a hobby as long as you don't actually think you're going to make it as a rockstar.

I'm 24 and in a band. We don't do anything interesting musically, its just a good way to go out every couple weekends and get some drinks and stuff. Sounds like I'm 42 and in a band.

damn, guess i'm stuck fucking 18yo's

I've got a real job and I play music on the side so I dont need to impress anybody, neither am I a hopeless dreaming loser.

I write music for a living, plenty of women over the age of 24 find it attractive.

Being in a band that's going nowhere is a different thing though obviously.

I'm going to end up killing myself before I turn 30. I'm going to die alone without having achieved anything worthwhile in my life.

Don't worry about it m8, achievement is meaningless anyway.

I only hate musicians that are just taking up space. Thats subjective to opinion, but i hate that theres so many people out there that are just doing it to get free drinks and maybe a groupie stand. I encourage locals that i feel are really putting themselves in it.

I don't see how there's anything wrong with that

All my professors and teachers teach for stable income but they still play out for part of their income
That's just how it is for "real" musicians
Most people strictly in bands usually are either broke or have a day job

The trade off is being able to do something you love