Cucked so hard by england they learn our language

>Cucked so hard by england they learn our language

most speaks american though


desu, nobody in europe learns unitedstatesian dialect

Can't remember school but I use the american spelling.


for real, how inbred are britbongers?

The world is learning English because America, not because of England

Most don't see it that way, else they would be hardcore Irish nationalists as they should be.

>cucked so hard that Cockney dies out and London accent loses about five extra consonants


>and London accent loses about five extra consonants

Good Lord, maybe they start using only five.

Yeah bro totes showed them lmao (ass)

>laughing my arse off

Is that what you say lol

>45% of english vocabulary is french

The eternal frog strikes again

Since when

rest is scandi, latin or saxon

American and south British English sounds repulsive

Sound *

Not necessarily, at least outside of Europe.

Most of the ex-British empire at least certainly learn English because of Britain

Why are you on a T9, Sergei? I can't remember ever seeing a T9 device that can connect to the Internet.

He's right though

Hey at least we're making some progress towards unifying humanity.

Ffs I don't want aliens asking us what language they should communicate in to be the reason for another world war.

and that's half the world at one point or another

Why not?

this. america helps with the profiliration of course, but saying "it's because of america", when america speaks it because of us in the first place is some retarded fucking double think

It's kind of both. The US just continues Anglo hegemony