Stereotypes that are true for you

I'm fat (163 lbs/74kg, 5'8"/173cm).

Other urls found in this thread:

i question how you're fat at 163 pounds.

but idk. I'm pretty bloodthirsty i guess.

I eat a lot of baguettes and am generally arrogant

short nigga but my dick tall

I ate dog meat soup today for dinner. Sorry.

I like cheese and makes a duty to eat some every days, and I have a bérêt.

I don't smoke, though, and I rarely drink wine.

More like HUNG Kong amirite?

I'm a chicano; I love eating beans and am voting for Hillary.

Tacos are my favorite food, my favorite spirit is Tequila and I have a brown dick.

i have autism


Haha me too! :^)

I'm gay

i drink large amounts of tea and alcohol
theres probably plenty of others that i fit into

Are you an upbeat black guy with dreadlocks who loves rollerblading and bunda too?

I shitpost a lot.

No. But I do like bunda. Male bunda.

shiet, i quit drinking vodka (and any alcohol)
how can i call a Russian myself now?

I smoke
I love wine
I'm wearing a marinière right now
I love cheese
I complain all the time
I'm very rude you cunt

i like fast food more than refined cuisine


you can praise Putin


1998 best year of my life
Et un et deux et trois zé-ro

Overweight (93kg at 193cm, but losing weight)
Gun owner
Speaks one language (learning another though
Muh heritage (love genealogy)

I ate banana today

Underrated post

Poker face

was it the day you were born because that was 18 years ago.

I was two years old, I don't even remember it actually

A tiny brown dick ?


I drink a lot of wine and eat a lot of cheese.

>tfw I wear a marinière too
Hopefully I don't smoke, I could have been you

Seriously I had never been beaten on overwatch and league of legends

I drink lots of wine

>tfw oldfag and perfectly remember it

I guess that's why I was not even mad about the last euro. The thrill of the 1st time is so powerful, it makes your mind numb for the times after. A bit like "oh, well, nothing could beat the 1st time, so whatever".

not as big as an Italian hung, not as tiny a an american jew.

No you're not fat OP.
The very fact you converted those in metrics proves that.

Not OP, but what do you mean by that?

>tfw this "black-blanc-beur" bullshit is used as propaganda by leftards


my teeth look like a vandalized grave yard

I have a stereotypical """posh""" British accent

I drink way too much beer.

Hot Sauce. I put that shit on everything.

I REALLY like guns

I'm antisocial and I wish my neighbours were dead.

There's honestly not a single thing stereotypical about me

I like baguette and Im kinda misanthrop nihilist depressed guy

Muh Irish heritage.
NEET that lives with his parents.

That's about it.

I don't shower everyday, I like to complain and I'm a bit effeminate.

Big nose. Good at half-assing things under-pressure. Have a full head of pitch-black hair.

I actually enjoy spending 2 hours mowing the lawn every 5 days (2 acres). I go outside afterwards, stand on the deck, and feel proud of my stripes and quality of cut.

I am in love with my car.

Biscuits and gravy are god-tier food. With eggs and hot sauce.

French Canadian here

I'm hairy and I get bad body odor
I love cheese and poutine
I go REEE if somebody living here cant speak French
I always have a baguette at home

I shower rarely, don't always shave, my fav shirt is a marinière, I'm easily depressed and I love cheese and baguette.

no...dont be a quiter

Literally everyone I know is suffering from early-stage Alcholism.

I've got a small dick
I'm a lightweight, i get buzzed after 3 beers
I love barbeque and anything fried

i speak one language
i drink 6 cups of t a day

Ugly, boring, tall, autistic, no sense of humor.