Russian history

Russian history in a nutshell:
>Czars: The Mongols were bad and did horrible stuff, but we are good.
>Russians: You are right, they were bad. We love you Czars!
>Soviets: The Czars were bad and did horrible stuff, but we are good.
>Russians: You are right, they were bad. We love you Soviets!
>Yeltsin and oligarchs: The Communists were bad and did horrible stuff, but we are good.
>Russians: You are right, they were bad. We love you guys!
>Putin and his clique: The Oligarchs were bad, but we are good.
>Russians: You are right, they were bad. We love you guys!
>???: Putin was bad, but I am good.
>Russians: You are right, he was bad. We love you!

Why are Russians such gullible, slavish lemmings? All you have to is was to convince them that your predecessors were bad, that your successors will also be bad, that the West is bad, and the Russians themselves are also pretty bad, and they literally kiss your feet. Ironically it's not even a lie. The only lie is that you say you're good. No, erase that. You don't even have to say it. They WANT to believe it, because they know they have no choice.

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Well, if you look at theor history, it isnt a pretty one. So maybe they are yrying to find a golden age?

i dunno

Give me Russian qts you faggot bitch

>Czars: The Mongols were bad and did horrible stuff, but we are good.
>Russians: You are right, they were bad. We love you Czars!
>Soviets: The Czars were bad and did horrible stuff, but we are good.
>Russians: No, fuck you retards
>Jews/and other minorities: You are right, they were bad. We love you Soviets.

lol at blaming us for communism.

and egor is already here

You basically said that Russians like leaders who can recognize the truth and respect their people enough to tell them the truth.

Well, that is вepхyшкa for you and what they can do with russian slavemindset.

>12-20million murdered christians
To be fair I think a lot of Russians never fell for the communism meme and got put down as a result
yeltsin was funny, too bad he wasnt a good leader

>>Jews/and other minorities: You are right, they were bad. We love you Soviets.
B aпpeлe 1938 гoдa Лaндay в Mocквe peдaктиpyeт нaпиcaннyю M. A. Кopeцeм лиcтoвкy, пpизывaющyю в «Aнтифaшиcтcкyю Paбoчyю Пapтию» для cвepжeния cтaлинcкoгo peжимa, в кoтopoй Cтaлин нaзывaeтcя фaшиcтcким диктaтopoм, в «cвoeй бeшeнoй нeнaвиcти к нacтoящeмy coциaлизмy» cpaвнявшимcя c Гитлepoм и Myccoлини.

Cuz russians are stupid as it can be possible. Their independence is shitty nothing. In fact it can be two cases: or government fuck russian people in all holes, or government tries to get russians out of shit and do all needed to make life better

Serfs never change

The whole of human history is for the last ten thousand years is nothing but a constant revision of the results of the privatisation. And Russian history is not an exception.
This drunkturd once have pissed on a wheel of an airplane during one of his foreign meetings.
The next day, his rating has jumped by almost half.

wasnt he elected because of propaganda for the second term? i thought he hired some american activists to boost his ratings that were lower than 10% and other guy had more than 30%
well i guess it was a fucked up time but i would never vote for someone thats supported by americans

Russians are literal slav(e)s.

They like to be put down like a bitch, treated like shit, degraded. They were always like this.

Vikings, Dano-Germans, Germans, Jews. They all treated them like shit and slaves and they like it. They can't imagine they life to be any different than just being used like a whore.

Poland offered them Golden Freedom and equality, but they chose to be slaves instead and they wanted to do the same to Poland and Poles.

Fucking scum. Truly nuisance of civilization.

>ywn be Ivan Borisovich Anastasiyev, Fenno-Ugric Orthodox Mongol alcoholic from Leningrad working a stereotypical Russian job of a starving prison mafia connected clerk for an oligarch stationed in an orthodox monastery located within a decrepit radioactive factory in the midst of an endless wheat field

>treated like shit
yeah and you like to treat english toilet-shit with your toothbrush


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