What is Sup Forums's honest appraisal of this man?
I used to ignore him but his music is actually pretty good. I never rated Kanye highly beyond his beats, but to me Drake might actually be this generations' GOAT.
What is Sup Forums's honest appraisal of this man?
I used to ignore him but his music is actually pretty good. I never rated Kanye highly beyond his beats, but to me Drake might actually be this generations' GOAT.
hes okay
cool pic though
nigger barbie has most boring love song album collection & blandest predictable safe career i´ve ever seen. drake tries to get pussy by being a total pussy. it´s just fucking pathetic to follow this nigger isnt a man and will be like dude sex lmao till the day he dies coz getting women pregnant is obviously so important in life.
I like his music. He's pretty good. Nothing super special, but he'll go down in the hip hop history books.
he aint shit, he's a shit MC, he makes shitty hip hop, that paid mixtape was okay
he's a popstar, and pop aint shit nigga
are you guys memeing or do you actually not think hes cancer?
I honestly enjoyed Take Care, Nothing was the same and IYRTITL is one of the best albums of 2015 imho. Hotline Bling is also an amazing song. Views werent that good thou and he is just annoying at this point with all his photos where he looks like he believes he is the sexiest man alive.
He makes pretty nice music and has a distinct style. Take Care is my favorite record of his. I hope he can comeback from Views
instagram is full of basic bitchface selfies that he does it´s nothing special
I mean Views is hot garbage but w/e, as far as top 40 artists go he is one of the least offensive.
He's alright, maybe not as important as a solo rapper, but people associated with him like Future, Desiigner, YT (kinda), etc. are leading the rap game right now with slur rap about lean and xanax and whatnot. It's interesting stuff stylistically.
I honestly enjoyed SOME tracks from his Nothing Was The Same album but the credit goes to his producers because his lyrics are just bland and boring
why does this even need to be discussed? He's objectively trash :^)
>ignoring Kendrick exists
For someone that doesn't even write his own songs, jumps on every new fad like gucci, and is a culture vulture, drake stans are so fucking annoying
Has made some really good songs but yet to make a good album,He is capable of doing a great 5-10 track ep every year or so yet continues to release 16-20 track albums and all that filler weighs the album and his potential down
Kendrickfags need to die
I think he's alright. Like I think a few songs are bangers but I'm not hopping on the hype train.
Kendrick is solid for sure but there is a lot of hype behind him too, granted he feel more real than any other rapper out thereat the moment.
I enjoy his music in doses. Don't really listen to his albums as a whole after they come out, but I listen to him when I'm on shuffle or something. I used to love Take Care and I still enjoy it enough but it's really feelsy for me so I don't listen as much.
he's honestly so fucking ugly lmao
>rap should only be about frontin on how ahrd you are
Bet you don't even like Loyle Carner you stupid faggot
He's objectively 9/10
>literally looks like he has down syndrome
The only song I play repeatedly is back the back other than that he is a wave rider
literally perfect
people just say they like drake on Sup Forums to be edgy among edglords
But I actually like Drake
I still regularly listen to IYRTITL. That album's production is so damn crisp and pulverizing, I'm still regularly amazed.
Drake is one of the greatest when he ignores his pop-rap impulses, that's why Views was so garbage. It was literally Thank me Later 2.0. He desperately wanted his first solo number one.
drake is the definition of a bitch-nigga
But if he woulda followed up GKMC with a not so alienating album and as quality as it. Everyone would be saying he's the best of our generation in all honesty.
I thought he was overated too I hated him before I listened to him because people were gargling his dick. Then I actually listened and understood
I think Kendrick deserves most of the praise thrown at him but his rabid fanbase has built him up to something he's not
His early stuff was all right but he sang too much. He peaked with Take Care and Nothing Was the Same, both of which were great, and then fell off hard after 2014. People only pretend that he "goes in" now so that they can pick up girls.