Yo wake up in armee

Yo wake up in armee


i dont think hes going to wake up

Russian mercenary killed by Ukrainians. He killed children and women before.
(irl it's probably suicide due to bullying in rus army)


A day like every other day

OMG is he ok??

I envy him.

>you wake up in Russia

I man a drone and try not to kill civilians. Easy peesy.

I actually controlled a similar robot for my high school robotics club. I'd think it would be an easy in. No real personal danger, no PTSD, steady pay and a cushy chair. Do that for 4 years and get all the bennies.


He will
He will wake up in a better world

>OMG muh women and children! :(

kill yourself children are sadistic little fucks unless an adult punishes them for it and women are whores, there are no innocents, that man was a saint for killing the vermin and cleansing the Earth

a srasz?

The fucking conscription, picking up the soap was not a joke :^)




>daily reminder that you were a kid at one point in your life

Harshly worded, but the content of this is true. The lives of women and children are not more valuable than men's. They are equal.

>They are equal
I hope someone beats your child or wife when you're away

I will wake up in ARMY after several years.

Will join the army in january, yay!

>Hungarian ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''men'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


seriously kill yourself

Me too. ;( Fuck. ;(

bundeswehr is a lot but defenitly not an army, so no yay for you.
