What do you do when it gets very hot in your country?

What do you do when it gets very hot in your country?

"Yes, another reason to do nothing today"
Then we nap all day

Did you vote for the Pirates, user?

Masturbating to let the heat out of my body.

blank vote

you don't even know what REAL heat feels like, kiddo

I go swimming and masturbate in the pool in front of little children

Drink alcohol to cool off, wear thinner clothes, stay indoors etc.

Turn down my heater valve.

go naked

Chill on my balcony.

Turn on a fan and lie around, drink ice water. Avoid going outside. (Texas)

>very hot
whats that

turn on AC

where do you live, user ?

>implying it is ever hot in my country

Take a shotgun and blow my brains out

I always end up at Ikea on the hottest days of the year

It doesn't.

Go to the beach


Don't go out. Your thread are very gay desu Iceland

Turn on the fan

The only time iceland gets hot is when it blwos up

>tfw yesterday was so hot and stuffy I had to take all my clothes off
Fucking hell, it's pretty much November already

i get naked, and drop on to my bed hoping the heat will end my suffering.

t. Ahmed

Turn up air conditioning ,Cold drinks, go to swimming pool.

And? his threads are still gay

>implying gay sex is bad
Ahmed you're not very integrated

strip Iceland user naked and turn up the heat with hot sex

t. fag