Pick one

pick one

Strawberry Jam, idc

Abbey Road

SJ >>> smile >= peppers >>>>>>>>> le instagram meme band
this is objective

Smile > Sgt Peppers >= Strawberry Jam >>>>>>>>>> Impala

Lonerism for sure. I've only made it through two tracks of Strawberry Jam because it's not very good and the singer has an annoying yell. Also the other two are just grandma core

Sgt. Peppers: 7/10
Strawberry jam: 7/10
Tame loser: 4.5/10
Smile: 9/10


SJ=Smile>>>Sergeant Peppers>>>>>>>>>>>Tame Impala

Azalia snail fuck yes dude very underrated nice


I personally prefer either SJ or Smile but

these are reasonable

>the album isn't good
>I only listened to 2 tracks
You have to listen to the full album to develop a real opinion. Peacebone and Unsolved Mysteries are good tracks though


Strawberry Jam is only good


It's like you said "I'm not even gonna try" and then you did.

Sgt > Smile > SJ > TI

smile and its not even close

why tf is tame impala always compared to such great music it is clearly not of the same caliber

probably SJ atm but Smile usually


Sgt Pepper> Lonerism> Smile> Strawberry Jam


>Being this wrong


Smile>Strawberry Jam>SPLHCB>Lonerism