Shows you are attending

Summer Slaughter next weekend

Other urls found in this thread:

Aug 23th - Boris/Earth
Sep 9th - Eternal Warfare Fest (Day 2)
Sep 13th - Black Sabbath

saw The National last night, I'll be seeing Gregory Alan Isakov next month, Sigur Ros on September 24, and Jose Gonzalez in March. I need to buy tickets for Okkervil River in November and LNZNDRF.

I've only heard Black Sabbath out of those. Am I missing out?

fucking everyone on Sup Forums is seeing the boris/earth tour

>wahhh doom sucks now

I'm seeing Earthless and Sacri Monti next week like 6 blocks from my house!

I have tickets to it for Sunday - anyone else been yet? If so, how were they?

>tfw you're barely going to any shows for the rest of the summer

Aug 5th - Donovan Wolfington, Jank
Aug 9th - Posture & The Grizzly
Aug 10th - Earth (maybe)
Aug 24th - Somos, Free Throw
Sept 3rd - Elvis Depressedly, Teen Suicide

I guess I could be talked into going to see SUMAC, God Is An Astronaut, or Cherry Glazerr

Looks like it's gonna be a good fall though

i try to go to at least 1 show every weekend and i haven't been to a single one this summer. i fucking hate getting old and having oldfag responsibilities. i should just blow them all off and follow acid mothers temple on their next tour.