Kurt cobain thread

Kurt cobain thread

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Why'd he do it, Sup Forums? Is it because Kurt fucked with the formula?

No, it was because they didn't put Dave's shitty song in In Utero

Post more Cobains

>tfw you will never be a kurt doppelganger and have a threesome with frances and courtney
frances' ex husband is the luckiest man on EARTH

Courtney is uggo

It's why she made Girl-grunge

Why did kurt wear eyeliner?
>Shitty as fuck

If Courtney had the slightest shred of self-respect left, she'd rip him a new one for doing this:


That's a shit cobain you have there

Wow I think I threw up a little in my mouth

If this dude wants to be Kurt so bad then why doesn't he just kill himself

rare kurt

She's too "normal" now to publicly eviscerate him, boring desu.

no doubt she did some stuff behind the scenes to get them divorced tho. ever since the divorce her and Frances have been super buddy buddy

I would like all the people in this room to know that Courtney Love, lead singer of the sensational pop group Hole, is the best fuck in the world.

Yeah, no parent is ever as eager as Courtney was for their kid to get a divorce unless there's a serious problem with the marriage.

i don't doubt that, but still

That's a Kurt quote

post more rare kurts

Sexy Kurt

kill me. That is exponentially worse than i imagined.

I mainly feel bad for Krist. Dude was always happy and upbeat, messing around on camera and having a great time with the band. Now he's an increasingly irrelevant balding old dude who's always sad. Kurt's death really hurt the poor guy. He had been with him since before the band was even called Nirvana.

Daily reminder BuzzFeed is asscancer


Krist is definitely my favorite member of Nirvana.

Would meet instead of kurt

is it just me or is anyone else reminded of kanye by this pic

Now that he's a politician, do you think he'll ever get that escalator legislation put into effect?


Homestuck madman

Zach Hill


Who is that fuck, I always see his ass

kur cobaine



Are you being sarcastic

good documentary

it's from that hella movie

if cobain was a fuggo neckbeard how would his canon be viewed?

Don;t feel bad, he's richer than he needs to be and could do anything artistically with his life if he chose. Any failures/misgivings in his life are entirely his own

Oh shit sorry I've only watched like half of it

rare 1994 kurt

dont do heroin kids

I'm older than he was when he died now. Feels weird.

He'd be turning 50 next year. That's gonna feel even weirder.

Billy actually killed him