Tfw yellow fever

tfw yellow fever

Other urls found in this thread: soup&client=firefox-b-ab&biw=1920&bih=893&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiD-Onn6oLQAhXpLcAKHeYmD24Q_AUIBigB


Baby baby baby ooooh

Have you ever been to a Legal Medicine insititute?

what? its just chefs prepping food.

Is this how Asians are made?

Dead babies aren't much fun~

No no no

Nope. Those are for soup base stock.



they are preparing tradition chinese food you racist cracKKKa

These are foetuses from miscarriage.

They are actually preparing the famous baby soup.
Not joking.
They actually eat these babies in a fucking soup.


Yum, looks delicious!

Fuck off nigger, proofs?

It's actually a Thai abortion clinic and they're selling them to Chinese tourists

Check the movie dumplings with Bai Ling, it's not fiction soup&client=firefox-b-ab&biw=1920&bih=893&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiD-Onn6oLQAhXpLcAKHeYmD24Q_AUIBigB

I wonder if it will make muh dikk hard like glorious elephant tusk and rhino horn


Asians aren't violent people desu so it's weird to see that they lack any compassion

I'm calling bullshit until I see a credible source.

wtf I hate china now

99% sure it was an art project

99% wrong then.

There was a guy who killed his father, skinned him, wore his face as a mask and went to go see his grandmother wearing it. It was an art project, according to him.

Are the fetuses real or not?

Are you seriously calling this a credible source? It is practically illegible. It even claims that Taiwan sells fetuses for $70.

There's a reason NYT, WSJ, and The Economist have never made a story on it.
Because it's faked.

>There's a reason NYT, WSJ, and The Economist have never made a story on it.
B-but da j00s don't want you to know, multiculturalism IS GOOD FUCK OFF!!!!!1!

Good bait OP.

China Edit
>Controversy was sparked when the performance artist Zhu Yu claimed that he prepared, cooked and ate real human bodies, including foetuses,[1] as an artistic performance.[2] The performance was called "Eating people" he claimed it was to protest against cannibalism.[3] It was intended as "shock art".[4][5] The Chinese Ministry of Culture cited a menace to social order and the spiritual health of the Chinese people, banned exhibitions involving culture, animal abuse, corpses, and overt violence and sexuality[6] and Zhu Yu was prosecuted for his deeds.[7][8] For a similar case in Canada see Rick Gibson.

>Snopes and other sites have said the "fetus" used by Zhu Yu was most likely constructed from a duck's body and a doll head.[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] Other images from another art exhibit were falsely circulated along with Zhu Yu's photos and claimed to be evidence of fetus soup.[25]

>Critics see the propagation of these rumors as a form of blood libel, or accusing one's enemy of eating children, and accuse countries of using this as a political lever.[26]

Koreans Edit
>Capsule pills filled with human baby flesh in the form of powder were seized by South Koreans from ethnic Koreans living in China, who had tried to smuggle them into South Korea and consume the capsules themselves or distribute them to other ethnic Korean citizens of China living in South Korea.[27][28][29]

i will hate china until they unblock baidu for foreigners

t. 白小红


saw a video once
chinkloids subhumans do that

>Controversy was sparked when the performance artist Zhu Yu claimed that he prepared, cooked and ate real human bodies, including foetuses,[1] as an artistic performance.[2] The performance was called "Eating people" he claimed it was to protest against cannibalism.[3] It was intended as "shock art".[4][5] The Chinese Ministry of Culture cited a menace to social order and the spiritual health of the Chinese people, banned exhibitions involving culture, animal abuse, corpses, and overt violence and sexuality[6] and Zhu Yu was prosecuted for his deeds.[7][8] For a similar case in Canada see Rick Gibson.

>Snopes and other sites have said the "fetus" used by Zhu Yu was most likely constructed from a duck's body and a doll head.[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] Other images from another art exhibit were falsely circulated along with Zhu Yu's photos and claimed to be evidence of fetus soup.[25]

>Critics see the propagation of these rumors as a form of blood libel, or accusing one's enemy of eating children, and accuse countries of using this as a political lever.[26]

>Cultural preservation

o i am laffin

>For a similar case in Canada see Rick Gibson.

blood libel is real though

I love how everything has to be used as a way to say that the jews are great
>Controversy was sparked when the performance artist Zhu Yu claimed that he prepared, cooked and ate real human bodies, including foetuses,[1] as an artistic performance.[2] The performance was called "Eating people" he claimed it was to protest against cannibalism.[3] It was intended as "shock art".[4][5] The Chinese Ministry of Culture cited a menace to social order and the spiritual health of the Chinese people, banned exhibitions involving culture, animal abuse, corpses, and overt violence and sexuality[6] and Zhu Yu was prosecuted for his deeds.[7][8] For a similar case in Canada see Rick Gibson.

>Snopes and other sites have said the "fetus" used by Zhu Yu was most likely constructed from a duck's body and a doll head.[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] Other images from another art exhibit were falsely circulated along with Zhu Yu's photos and claimed to be evidence of fetus soup.[25]


It's just Chinese traditional food.

>putting your feet near the food

You have all been successfully baited.

Here are 25 credible sources saying that this is fake

What is fake? thosd pictures of that artist with the fetus soup?
Apparently they are not real

But dead babies are being sold in China and you're a fool if you try to deny this