What went wrong?

What went wrong?


Multiculturalism and nationalism don't work together, also .

the multi-cult

The main issue with german leadership is that its germans leading

too many nations in one empire, also I think they overexaggerated the number of germans in the map

>too many nations in one empire

Multiculturalism doesn't work.

well the Austrian empire lasted for well over 100 years until the nationalist rhetoric of the 20th century caused it to break up.

Italy was too powerful and destroyed them.

Btw the women in trentino alto adige (sud tyrol for the krauts) are whores that get enriched by black italian cock

Multiculturalism means that multiple cultures were allowed to live on their own in one country.

That certainly wasn't the case in the Kingdom of Hungary where the government conducted a heavy-handed Magyarization policy.

It was different in parts of the Monarchy controlled by Austria (Bosnia was a special case in this regard).

getting real sick of this "czechs and slovaks are different" meme 2bh

its not what did but what didn't happen - Trialism

>it's a Sup Forums abducts a historical event and through their ignorance of history infuses it with misrepresenting ideas to support their ideology episode

Literally the only reason why the Habsburg empire collapsed the way it did was WWI. Historical narratives centred on nationalism provide a false portrayal of the situation of the empire at the time. Intertwined cultural and imperial identities succesfully coexisted, whereas towards the start of the 20th century politics was framed in an imperial rather than a national framework.

See for more useful insights Pieter Judson's The Habsburg Empire (2016) which is an overview of new revisionist insights of the last 2-3 decades. contra nationalist historiographies.

>if it's not completely one thing, it's entirely another

Things like the spring of nations in 1830 and 1848 as well as the 1867 constitution and movements like the Sokol movement, the Illyrianist movement and so on did exist, as did the ostracisation of minorities in the political and administerial matters of both sides of the empire, not to mention the almost colonial attitude towards Bosnia.

I get that the narrative was abducted by the nationalist movements and the Entente nations, but it's just as bad to swing the pendulum in completely the other direction.


I do not deny the existence of nationalist movements, but one of the most important reasons for the failure of 1830/1848 revolutions was the almost complete lack of popular support apart from liberal intellectuals, students or as in the case of 1867, support engendered by the efforts of the Hungarian political elite. The very notion of 'the spring of nation' showcases the way in which these events are seen as the Rankean, teleological start of the rise of nation states, whereas they are in fact contingent in this case.

Nationalism indeed took a hold of the Habsburg Empire, but to say that struggles over the languages taught in schools or failed, intellectual movements constitute or forebode the fall of the empire is incorrect by projecting (past) present representations of the past on the past. If you take an approach encompassing both cultural/political nationalism and empire oriented efforts you can see how one does not exclude the other. In fact, almost all so-called nationalist movements within the Habsburg EMpire, bar some radical movements which gained prominence at the end of of WWI, wanted to maintain some sort of cultural identity within the framework the empire provided for it.

You are of course right in stating that it is wrong to swing the pendulum the other way, but the approach Judson and other historians such as Alan Sked have applied to the history of the Habsburg Empire take into account both imperial and national identity and state-building within a new framework of analysis that does not suffer from natioanlist historiography or finalism.

The blue thing is Croatia ?


+Slovenia, Istria and Bosnia

You mean what weent right?

we single handedly crushed them.

Think twice before rustling our jimmies.


Czechs should have had their autonomy too.

This is what Franz Ferdinand wanted to do, reform Austria-Hungary into a Danubean Confederation, but he got popped by that rat, before he could have done that.

wtf i hate serbs now

why are all slavs such subhumans that brag on genocide?

Ethnic cleansing =/= Genocide Sudeten Germans were expelled, not exterminated.

Still, it's a crime against humanity and nothing to brag about. But you're on Sup Forums where being edgy is expected and encouraged.

Your own post is bigoted as well.

>Still, it's a crime against humanity and nothing to brag about
lol start shit, get hit cunts

but the same theme is everywhere, russians brag on genociding all the finnic ethnicities, poles brag on genociding the germans, serbs brag on genociding bosniaks etc...


Slovaks are nowhere near as cunty as we are, Bruce

Should've given those Italian lands back to Italy to stay neutral.



because we are different, for like 90% of history we had minimal contact

finns brag on genociding russians

During Warsaw uprising poles treated even wounded germans while germans shot poles on sight and murdered civilians.

We're one of the least genocidal nations on Earth. Even when taking revenge for volhynia poles didn't kill women and children or torture the men.

Not really. There's no proof Austria-Hungary was going to collapse because of multiculturalism and nationalism. Most minorities in the empire were content and the big problem came from the Hungarians which had an assimilation process.
Ferdinand was actually a proponent of a federalized Austria-Hungary but he was shot by Serbian nationalists because they feared those policies might have taken away support for a pan-slavic nation.
It's the same case with the Ottoman Empire. After expelling the Christians they started a pan-muslim identity between the Turks, Arabs and Kurds that was pretty successful. In WW1 the Brits found little support from the Arabs when they tried to get them to revolt under the guise of Pan-Arabism. The only real support they found was within tribes outside of Ottoman influence.

>minorities content
>because of extra taxation less rights and little to no recognition of culture of several areas.
American Education Everyone!

Shut the fuck up you damn autist.

t. genociding slavshit