Not much of a rock guy but what are some essential alt rock albums...

Not much of a rock guy but what are some essential alt rock albums, pic related and 69 love songs are kinda what im going for

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everything by radiohead. couple of muse and coldplay albums

weezer's first two albums

pixies, pavement, modest mouse..

arcade fire

smashing pumpkins

if you like wilco check out uncle tupelo but you probably already have. to be honest can't think of too much that sounds like yankee hotel foxtrot

nope never im very entry level, what are some decent strokes album apart from the first one if you know, and more easy listening stuff?

you would probably like arcade fire, the other strokes albums are alright but not nearly as good as the first one imo

lol why does Sup Forums hate them and make fun of them so much? i cant even take arcade fire seriously anymore not to mention the guy in the suspenders looks like a fedora wearer

any pavement album

>not to mention the guy in the suspenders looks like a fedora wearer
Another excellent critique of a popular artist's music.

they're fine they just have a dumb hipster aesthetic. pretty good band

check out television , you might like some of brian jonestown massacre also cocteau twins

these are all really famous bands but who knows how many of them you're already familiar with

>Arcade Fire
>Modest Mouse
>Built To Spill
>The National
>The Dismemberment Plan
>Sleater Kinney

i havent listened to his music but just like when you hear 21 pilots you cant help but cringe, lol ill listen to it

You are a perfect fucking example of everything wrong with this board. You have no knowledge of music and judge artists you've never heard entirely based on appearance.

21 pilots are bad because their music is bad, not their aesthetic. their lyrics are whiny and their music is subpar even for radio pop.

arcade fire are actually good. listen to funeral.


i've listened to 21 pilots and cringed at the lyrics personally it wasn't just their appearance but with arcade fire, arctic monkeys, and other tumblr bands i havent so your right on those but i develop my own opinion

>defending 21 faggots

Sup Forumslennial

this is bait

That's one of my favorite albums. You should listen to And Then Nothing Turned It Self Inside Out by Yo La Tengo, it isn't close in sound but captures the same feel.

i see where hes coming from with defending them but your right about not listening to music before forming your opinion

All of these bands are shit

lol i agree, just didnt wanna be mean to the first guy, although some smashing pumpkins and some radiohead songs are good

weezer blue. people rag on it here but its a necessity.

Doolittle by the Pixies is a good place to start

he's not defending 21 pilots in any way. that's why i said its bait

kek nice meme

Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth is the artistic pinnacle of the genre

fuck the pixies