What does /mu think of Billy Joel

Is he shit or the good shit

My dad likes him alot...

the former

my mom likes him and she's a rotten whore so take that as you will

He is shit-teir-but-his-music-keeps-coming-on-and-I-keep-listening-but-still-shit teir.


As long as it isn't dadrock, you can find a following for it here on Sup Forums.

He's good at what he does: ripping off different artists' song styles.

Oh you guys! ... Wait for it... He took a good shit but girl, uptown. #billyyetjoel

I like him. He's talented.

underrated as fuck.
the stranger is one of the best pop albums ever. it doesn't deserve respect here because is not Sup Forums core so all the kids here will never take it seriously, like mj thriller.
also, he haves a lot great albums tho

What style "movin out" is ripped of?

Nice to see there's SOME sanity on this board.

I like him. Not a great musician, but a good one. Saw him live in new York 3 years ago and it was pretty fun

user is right. Stranger rules

This. The Stranger is my second favorite album of all time.

if KISS made piano pop it would be Billy Joel

But Billy Joel was never marketing over music.

Also Billy Joel's a lot of Joel's songs actually have meaning and New Yorker-esque atmosphere to them unlike the cock-rock dadrock formula of Kiss

Well I fucked that first part up


uptown girl ftw mother truckers

The Stranger is GOAT

That's actually the first Joel song I ever heard!

That song and piano man are the reason people hate on my man bj

Pic related is by far his most underrated album. A lot of very intimate and gorgeous songs. One of the songs was based off his suicide note.

What's your favorite?

He's got a lot of hits, and has varying styles. Good recording quality on his records, and the harmonic motion is nice. He ain't afraid to use dem dominant chords homie

You're talking about "An Innocent Man". It was supposed to be borrowing styles. Best song:The Longest Time.


His music resonates well with New yorkers Im from Long Island and everybody i know listens and loves his music

looks like he has downs

The more important question 'd be: 'is billy joel actually a girl?'.