
Birmingham council local elections 2015 edition

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korean pop

there's already a thread you actual dimwitted runt

back to the cell with you

Fuckin druggos


kids in chiraq strolling thru with the 9 hitting a lick on any goofy opening his door turn up

moving to asia lads

gonna get me one of those

hello lads

how do i turn off this blue shit

undoubtedly we have reached the outter rungs of human possibility

we have progressed from clubbing eachother and living in caves to this

there is no deeper than this

why where and when


khureen pop

post: ";stopevent:" in a thread to cancel the halloween theme, thank me later

t'beaowf just sent me this


What's the point?

really need a gay twink bf

always thought leg warmers looked comfy af and they would give a +3 stat boost to finesse

shame I can't wear them as I'm not a gaybod




*appears behind you nonchalanced*
*brings down comically large cub into your skull*
*picks nose and drags you by the hair into the cave, dragging the club aside*


you literally are a yank


Fuck off yank

Tights are fucking comfy m8

t.wear cycling ones when it's cold on the bike



the so called GF

Really makes you do that thinking thing

I usually wear shorts for cycling until around mid november

legs get too hot otherwise


Fuck off yank

Devon is my favourite poster

Tights are shit in the wet too, but when it's really cold they're good.



Unless you're from quebec, you're a yank

Anglo Canadians literally don't exist mate

Anglo Canadians are literally yanks who didn't rebel

the red area right next to the very high one in the middle is pretty weird
like how can districts be so different as there's no real border between them

What do you mean by this.
I am from Quebec, but maritimers are NOT yanks. If you take a stroll around some Nova Scotia town you'd see more union jacks than canadian flags.
In Ontario, yes.

Meet me in the Tesco car park and I will fucking smash you mate


I want to vomit FOY

Ahh yes owning a union jack makes you an Anglo ha ha

rasheed? is that you? genetics make you an anglo m8

i'll batter you with my ballbag

my skeleton's doing the worm haha
look at him go haha go on son

wet knee houston

High property values keep undesirables out. It's like this in pretty much all American cities.

There is naught gay about a man wearing leggings

Not if you're a literal seppo with no connection to England whatsoever mate

am i ever NOT going to be depressed?

ah yes

who lives up here?

>I am from Quebec


that kid was acting hard and stuff but got smoked on a fucking bike hahahahahahahaa
oh okay. but it's really weird that a very high zone is bordering a red one, would make more sense if there was some type of decay

People that paint themselves blue


kek, newfoundland was literally part of Britain until 1948. Our queen is English. We are members of the Commonwealth. The fact that you deny the anglo heritage of eastern canada leads me to believe youre a sheed that is butthurt he will never truly be considered anglo

anglos are a 1/3 minority of montreal

drink water and go for a walk :^)


Indeed, segregation does sometimes get a bit extreme here. The red-dark green border on the South Side is Hyde Park, which is where the University of Chicago is, which is an institution that has deliberately tried its hardest to clean up the neighborhood, with quite a bit of success.

>think about asking a lass out
>look her up on fb
>she's an insane feminazi

ah yes right hand it is for life

Pretty fucking spooked lads.

India was literally a part of Britain until 1947 mate

>why yes, i am from scotland

>Hyde Park
Fucking come up with your own names for stuff already, I swear

It was like the Falklands, not a billion strong continent full of poos.

we have like 20 different hyde parks too desu

just a generic name

OK you can be an Anglo if you want x

we are anglo, just not british. theres a difference.

Dont let the shitskin bastions of british colombia and ontario deter you from recognising eastern canadians as the true inheritors of canadian culture, both anglo and francophone.

Had a yank woman last night ask me where in America Ireland was.


any spooky film suggestions lads

is Lights Out good? i

Hows this for banter?

the place where chief keef and his mates originated is right near the uni

No West coast. They really don't have a clue out here


The fifth element is a good film desu

r8/b8, lads

no you twat he's saying that's where Ireland is in America

u'rere're mum is a good film


The gf

sauce the don saying wrong please

this is a nice elephanto

fucking HATE plastic paddies more than paddies themselves

1v1 me on falling furni on habbo hotel m8

Why don't pakis like Halloween?

reckon it would be far easier to navigate through american cities on bike
every streets are a perfect line and it's completely flat
would get boring I guess but also faster to make a longer distance as there's little to no turns to take etc

u got it, lad

yes and traffic is really bad in cities too

because they hate anything fun

Just ride it out until you hit the permanent apathy state. You'll still burst into tears suddenly but you won't feel miserable while doing it

*does a sneak*

been putting off going shops for bare time

best go soon oh my days

she's plummeting

it's over

I don't know, why don't pakis like Halloween?

it is my favourite, i love that blue elephant