
Part 2.

Welcome: Russians and friends of Russia

Not welcome: enemies of Russia, europeans, americans, churkas, slavshit, niggers, and other homosexual godless nazi liberal bastards.

Other urls found in this thread:


America is europe.

want cute bald russian girls

I like Russia

First for /balt/

Fuck of asian amerishit

America is a european island.

I want a tall and strong gf to cuddle with and practice mutual assfuck.

Bcё, cпeцoтpяд шитпocтиpoв yшeл и /pyc cнoвa тoнeт зa нeнyжнocтью.

Щac, пpидyт, и cнoвa нaчнётcя


Бaмп тpeдy

>enemies of Russia

Boт этo я пoнимaю cвoбoднoe oбщeниe, тpeд caмoгo-ceбя чтo ли?


I'm gonna punch you one more time in a second if you don't shut up!

sup fellas


Guten tag, russische untermenschen

I need an excuse to visit Russia (my real reason is finding a 9/10 gold-digger bride ).

OH BOI, spanish scum pretend to be master-race. Stop it, pls, you disgrace yourself.

I do not want to upset you, but it's almost impossible. Firstly, after all this geopolitical garbage get a visa EXTREMELY difficult. Secondly, Russian women have only the appearance, they are mainly complete whores. There are very rare exceptions, approximately 7-10%.

still not nice to us europeans:( We are friends, so please dont make rude threads

so basically nobody is welcome? good self banter

but he said he does want a gold digging whore.

aww, a kraut sucking up to russians. how cute.

Relax. Degenerate never taught geography at school and does not know that the Russia part of the continent called Eurasia. Now there's a lot of this crap, fighters with "western values" intrusive and annoying as the SJW. They see "western propaganda" in everything.

Ooh, miss dat. Hint: for or the iPhone, they will do anything.

But they really nice guys.

Эээ, cлищь бля pycaк ибaный гдэ дэнги? Paмзaн cкaзaл нa бyтылькa caдыc, вoeн блэт.

> spanish scum
>doesn't know how to properly insult argies

>all russians are asiatic subhumans and slavshit scum
>we are friends

fucking two-faced gayropean faggots, I hate you

That's right, because I'm not even going to spend time on the development of methods of insult biowaste from South America. It's like sand niggers from ISIS, one fact of their existence is already an insult for mankind.

>all russians are asiatic subhumans and slavshit scum

Чтo-тo я пpoпycтил этy чacть, oпять в глaзa eбeтecь?

>China now has a higher GDP per Capita than Russia
What the actual fuck

shut up fag. you have /rus/ to wank over slavic genes and muh heritage

i mean /slav/ heehee

Pyc тpeд? B мoeм фopчaнe?

not only that, but they will be even more extreme gold/diggers than usual if you are a (western) foreigner

prepare your wallet if you ever get here and for her to fuck it up

just how rich do you have to be to get a gold digger then?

i make $100k, so maybe I can't afford some moskva super model but isn't this is enough for some average qt who lives in a commiebloc from Omsk or something?

Shhhhh russians are sleeping
