
Ireland forever Irish Edition

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gonnae start bating some childrens heads off the ground


Bumping this one

Diarmaid mac Murchadha played soccer.

>the legend of the horse-face woman

wish i had friends lads

Mate of mine fingered her outside an underage disco in Carlow once

I'd fuck any horse that looked like her

we're a chairde here sure

Nothing wrong with a bit of 3DPD Pierre-kun

Putting spooky hex on this thread
All brits itt will now see spooky skeleton in bottom right.
If you dare post under a birt flag you will wake up tomorrow with a skeleton inside you and NO SWEETS LEFT
post if you dare sasaniggers



Why would you need friends when you have anime?

>I'd fuck any horse that looked like her
Then you have the sort of low standards I expect from somebody who would find Irish women attractive.


Church of Ireland Jesus will protect me.

better than chasing burkas in France

have ye fugged a Muslim yet


He's an anime poster he diidn't fuck anyone or anything

First time I've ever agreed with you.

>answer the door
>h-heh y-yeah
>give the fucker a big handful
awful, just awful, and they know I'm in the house now

Yeah, after Italia '90 he fingered Sersh in an underage disco in Carlow.

I wonder if any Muslims here are fuggable.

Turn off your fucking lights!

state of you

A Halloween tradition.


the fuck do I say

just answer the door in silence and hand it out or comment on their costume or say merry halloween or samhain mhaith or fucking what

sweating here

>an halloween

>the fuck do I say
Follow these instructions precisely: youtube.com/watch?v=TrUOo3ppBlg

I want to marry Stefanie!

>samhain maith

That's assuming they know Irish, which we know the Irish don't.

relax, it'll be dark soon

they'll stop then

working class ulster scots actually spoke irish

>/éire/ - Waifuposting General
Wouldn't have it any other way on a Halloween night.

Used to speak Irish all the time faugh a ballagh n shiet


I liked the Quiet storyline, but half the time Joosten looked derpy-horsefaced. Is that just a mocap thing?

>tfw Ian Paisley's having the spookiest Samhain of all down in hell

actually it was necessary as they worked with country irish speakers who moved to the city


They fucked up her model.

Quiet doesn't have Stefanie's beautiful eyes or smile.

They turned the 10/10 3DPD waifu into a horseface.

>tfw Ian Paisley's having the spookiest Samhain of all down in hell

want to go buy alcohol but mummy is here

Ask your ma to buy it for you.

Are irish troublemakers and drunks??

>Weebs and NEETs

Pretty much.
Not gonna lie.

>answering the door
Absolute madman, I'm starving in my room here, my dinner is in the oven but to get to the kitchen I'd have to pass the front door, but knowing my luck the doorbell would ring the moment I was passing it and my family would expect me to answer it. And now mammy is pissed because my dinner is going cold

she won't let me drink

>not sitting alone in an empty house in the dark
gonna spark off a few fireworks I bought in an hour

let me talk to her

man up you faggot

Is there something you're hiding, user?

umm no, what are you on about

Underage detected.

Why won't she let you drink?

What a bollocks.

im an alcoholic

so she doesn't want me to drink in her house

Not even a bottle or two of lager?

Seem unreasonable.

>irish """""men"""""

>Peek in the fridge
>Only drink is Guinness

imagine being a proddy pretending you aren't irish

in fact so insistent you weren't it conjures themes of denial so very irish

carribean and african guinness are class

normal guinness not so much

Huh, I never knew that existed.

I actually do consider myself Irish tbf.

Yeah, but you ain't. So kindly piss off.

>Start hearing fireworks
>Can't see where they're coming from

dog is going mental out the back

is it true they get heart attacks if ye leave them outside with the fireworks?

idk m8, my parents despise animals

Depends on the intensity of it.

My dog got used to it. When he was young it spooked him moderate-severely.


>my parents despise animals
Your parents are weird. No normal person would despise animals wholesale.

how so?

in what ways? i'm very curious

Well they certainly ain't keen on pets anyway.

Guten tag, keltische untermenschen


gonna get a cat soon

a kitten

gonna carry it around in the pouch of my hoodys like a marsupial

gonna be known as catlad :3

What an absolute hipster

Learn to use capital letters if you want your cat to respect you. You come across as somebody who dropped out of school after the Junior Cert.

I thought it was Mr, Snuggles? or are you a different lad?

shut up you wanker

normal guinness is too weak and tastes like dirty water

>I wonder if any Muslims here are fuggable.
no I see loads in DIT. The average arab just doesn't have attrative facial features and a lot seem to be fat
Like I dont find blacks attractive either but atleast they're usually not fat

All the shitskins in Ireland are low test I tend to find.

i dropped out before the leaving

pretty big mistake tbf

same lad

WANT a kitty now to cuddle with :3

>i dropped out before the leaving
I got 295, not much of an achievement, and it didn't really get me anywhere(dropped out of uni)

It's a post leaving certificate points episode of /éire/

Well, using capital letters where appropriate would be a step in the right direction with regard to not making you look like an uneducated scobe. I shouldn't be able to tell that you dropped out of school before the LC on an anonymous image board.

You got into Uni with 295? Do NUIG have special needs degrees now?

>(((Americans))) steal St.Patrick's Day and Halloween.

Rude ;_;


only 70 under nationally and I only studied the last week

>MGSV came out more than a year ago
I always get sad when I think about what that game could've been.

I got 370 and studied for a month prior to the leaving. Ah sure, I got my course and doing well in that.
I still can't understand how people redo the leaving, that was possibly the most stressful experience I had.

Yeah, I did ty but I never considered repeating the LC no matter how shite my points were.

Secondary School was a painful experience.

Only memeing la, I got 360

same, especially the History project which I overdid since I'm a /his/ autist
I just didn't like the feeling of being forced to study subjects I had no interest in so I lost all motivation

I can't remember my transition year. I became too fond of the weed then.

What grade did you get in history?

I'm totally Irish my lads name is McDonald and I have a farm

And on that farm I have some FAMINE


fug how did they grade it again

it was like a 'upper' C in higher since I didn't do half the essays


Do not reply to the yank

that's it
or it might've been a lower B

haven't thought about it in a while but I was pretty proud since I beat my paki friend who did all the essays