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third for Dubu

kang mina is a

darn i was supposed to make an rv op but slept on it

oh well

crayon pop

worst mina


Make it a PureB thread.

did twice slay or

sin baby

RV is F I N I T O

Twice always slay

big-tit beauty

remember when twiceshitters said twice wouldn't embarrass themselves at kcon?

i think they did desu

i'd really prefer if you guys stopped insulting seunghee

could bts be the group that makes it in the us

there is still an audience for boygroups like 1d

remember when twiceshitters said twice were the main event

Post IU

They didnt. People love them.

I think Twice would really make it in America
They could totally make it, and undo the damage that wonder girls did

exactly but they still turned in an embrassing performance to anyone that looked at it fairly



knock knock



stop the seunghee bullying immediately then

stop posting fat ugly talentless manface

have this instead

best seunghee because she doesn't look like a retard

mayybe but not if they're as limp as at kcon, they will need to be able to sing and dance
and i'm not sure there is such an audience for cute girlgroups in the us, but there definitely is one for rap and boybands

do you think wonder girls really did damage, wasn't it more like opening the us market to kpop?

she's a beautiful talented vocal cuteface
support her on girl spirit chingu

How? Like seriously they're pretty but wouldn!'t fit in america

god damn that's a fat p


please get your head in the game Slugbro


stop using this word. You dont know what it means or how to spell it.
There was nothing embarrassing about their performance.

with bangers like i'm gonna be a stah how can they possibly fail


Reminder not to fap to Arin as she is a literal child

Have restraint my friends!


>still dancing like nine tiffanys
how is it not embarrassing, nothing was good about it


remember when wonder girls embarrassed both koreas





>still an audience for boygroups like 1d
>literally the only boy group that is popular


comfy thread?

twice is an embarrassment

Are you baiting because this song was awful

She's such a cute girl! wish'd take a massive dump all over my face and let me feel how qt every aspect of her is


arin choking you out with her massive thighs

twice makes kpop look bad

Who fucking cares?

pls no

They are loved in Korea, walking through Seoul last month you hear Cheer Up playing in so many stores


gaypop makes kpop look worse

what are you trying to prove to this obvious baiter you retard lol


stop posting this fucktard
youre not funny

inb4 the samefag 'hahahahaha'

america hates twice now
everyone was laughing at them

did it to jisoo 7 times today

fuck, i need to learn to control myself

>look bad
i believe the group you're referring to starts with G


everyone who turned up to watch singers rather than a dance cover group, that's why every other act actually sang their songs

if you lipsync, you are supposed to at least have challenging choreo and focus on your dancing
but their choreo is simplistic and they performed it to a tiffanyesque standard, so there was literally nothing redeemable about the whole performance

i wonder if trump is a buddy

you clearly weren't there
I was platinum and people were literally screaming fanchants in broken korean

im not the one that does that does that trigger you even more? chill

You don't know how concerts work do you?


>it's samefag hour
I'm out

trump is a twiceshitter. this has already been established.


Seohyun and Tiffany sang live while standing still and it was horrible.
Way more embarrassing than Twice.

what do you mean?
they had four songs to sing

they sang none of them
every other act did

and their dancing was to go through the motions in a robotic way so there was no stage presence to use as an excuse either



*three songs, i mean
they did sing uptown funk live, badly

they sang the special stage

If you think other artists sing live without a backing track and really influencing audio equipment you're beyond belief.

she is a goddess but no i wouldnt eat her sh*t

him being a buddy is more plausible

samefag over again?
dude... this is sad

most of them probably used a backing track, yes

but that's different from just playing the studio version without making an effort to sing at all

while also making no effort except the bare minimum to run through your simplistic choreo


Why are people so pressed about Twice lipsyncing

Most big musicians lipsync at concerts and considering Twice has a big choreo that takes up their energy, their vocals wouldn't be as good

I'm a once but i'm not trying to make excuses, just trying to show facts as someone who was in attendance for both days

thanks to the nigga who told me about Tiffany's snapchat

today's story was p good

i just think it's a funny meme which deserves more recognition

>Most big musicians lipsync at concerts and considering Twice has a big choreo that takes up their energy, their vocals wouldn't be as good
but they didn't dance with any energy and their choreo is easy as pie
compare them to bts

snsd used to catch so much shit for phoning in their performances like this, and that was years into their career when they were tired and bored of it all

>compare them to bts
that's not fair, males are superior in every way imaginable to women, so of course gaypops are going to have more complex choreography, they are stronger...

sadly its samefag hour always here
I havent seen kcon yet
But i was it cool from Twice?
and we all knew that they were going to do lipsyncing
