death grips fans: the image
Death grips fans: the image
>(band i don't like) fans: the image
>Fag detected
so embarrassing
I don't even like DG but these threads have never turned out well
hey man, dicks out for Harambe
dicks out for MC Ride
Number 2 has a nice fit except for the shoes.
Anyone know what jacket he is wearing?
who the fuck lined these boys up in the first place. Its a little bit cringy haha
the op : another great thread
why they don't wear socks?
/fa/ loves that stench
wow, noone cares
im not reading that man space it out you fucking dolt
I never understand why this image is meme so
They look dressed okay
I tried listening to DG and it's just fucking noise. It's like that joke band that records the back of a fridge and everyone on Sup Forums applauds them.
They suck and you ironically like them, is that the joke I'm not getting?
you see, this happens with every listener, they think is Trash or garbage.
later on you will give it a couple more listens "why do ppl like dis shit?"
then blam, it hits you, its amazing, ive had ppl apologize to me for making fun of it, lots of ppl have had this happen
>tfw you wear tan pants to the black pants party
I'll try it again then. I didn't like Taylor Swift also but my niece kept playing it every other day on my sound system and now I can't get the fucking Blank Space song out of my head.
Damn, that Rick Owens fit on 6 is awesome
you forgot the picture with giraffe demarco
and dylann roof
>that Dylan Roof on the right
It's the way they're all standing together, the vibe, their faces. The one with daddy long neck is better though.
Dylan Roof actually looks the least autistic
>Giraffe Demarco
dylan was alpha as fuck
where is dyllann roof the famous SLP model?
who are these keksters? I lold pretty hard at the text underneath in OPs pic
tripfags from /fa/ or something
its an /r/streetwear meet up in Baltimore
The one where they are all super heroes is better.
they have like 400 pounds of lean mass between them
Can confirm. Im a dg fan and look like #3
pos t pic
why anglos are so ugly?
It was a /fa/ meetup. One one them later reported that it was uncomfortable and they all mumbled to each other while look down at their shoes.
>all those subtle edits
Whoever did them is a hero we do not deserve
dylan roof on the far right
>posting the edited image
It's not so much about their clothes as to about them.
The fact that Sup Forums likes Death Grips and Kanye West and that /fa/ dresses like that just goes to show you that every board on Sup Forums has terrible taste in the subject matter that it was made to discuss.
but user i usually dress in Dries Van Noten and Acronym outwear
When will this meme end?
Kill yourself
Are you 12
invalids from the worst board on Sup Forums: /fa/