International desktop thread

international desktop thread

hello here is my dekstop


intelligent desktop

to intelligent to fall for the linux meme



posting my desktop

A desktop from the north.

i didn't know you were canadian desu
r cute pic can u post it

Ehh okay I already took a screenshot recently so I'll post it I guess. It's just unriced i3-wm with i3blocks as a statusbar and some added functionality in the config. Programs on the screen: Emacs, mpv, and xfc4-terminal (any terminal, clutter of which can be removed is fine by me)


forgot the file

here it is


stars and stripes



I like the rounded borders

What music player is that, Foobar? If so, which skin?

Now that's a good, solid AMERICAN OS.
Bless Terry Davis. I have it on all of my computers.

good post

install gnu/xmonad




>uptime 1d 5h

uptime only matters for servers

Do you reboot your desktop everyday? Why?

i don't but why would it matter if you did? it's just a home desktop, not like anything uptime critical is running on it so who cares

Solaris is Love, Solaris is Life.
